Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Characters and Staging in Drama
[Accessible by TX Educators. Free Registration/Login Required] In this lesson, you will analyze how different playwrights characterize, or develop, their protagonists and antagonists through the dialogue and staging of their plays.
****Story Mapping Strategy
This accessible explanation features a worksheet to help teach students to use story mapping to identify elements of a narrative.
Ksu: Point of View: First Person Narrator
This tutorial surveys the uses and limitations of first-person narration in literature. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.R.9
Ohio University
Ohio.edu: Point of View and Narrative Voice
This is an article defining point of view, explaining the types of point of view, and discussing voice and tone. It was originally published at http://teenwriting.about.com/library/weekly/aa111102e.htm.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Teaching: Prewriting and Planning Personal Narratives
This lesson focuses on prewriting and planning a personal narrative. The information can be used in all types of writing. It discusses brainstorming ideas, narrowing the focus, and developing the central idea. W.9-10.5 Writing Process,...
Thoughtful Learning: ccss.ela literacy.w.7.3.a
Pick and choose from these lessons and units that focus on narrative writing. Specifically, how to establish a context and point of view, introduce characters, and organize an event sequence.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Characters and Staging in Drama
[Accessible by TX Educators. Free Registration/Login Required] In this lesson, you will analyze how different playwrights characterize, or develop, their protagonists and antagonists through the dialogue and staging of their plays.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Analyze Point of View in Literary Texts/fiction
[Accessible by TX Educators. Free Registration/Login Required] In this lesson, you will learn to identify the primary points of view used in fiction and weigh the advantages and disadvantages of each.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Organization Appropriate to Purpose, Audience, and Context
[Accessible by TX Educators. Free Registration/Login Required] This lesson will teach you how to write and organize an essay so that it addresses different purposes, different audiences, and different contexts.
E Reading Worksheets
E Reading Worksheets: Writing Narrative Essays
This article provides the components of narrative writing. The author emphasizes ways to make narrative writing better. W.9-10.3e Conclusion
Kim's Korner: Patterns of Organization
This resource from Kim's Korner for Teacher Talk defines various patterns of text organization and provides a brief essay example of each pattern.
Friends University: Patterns of Organization and Their Clue Words [Pdf]
Chart lists patterns of organization with their corresponding clue words.
Teachers.net: Flip Books and Story Boards
While this lesson is designed to aid in communications technology, the concept and procedure of the lesson can be readily used in any class. The main concept taught is organization and developing chronological order.
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Narrative Writing: The Autobiographical Incident
After organizing their thoughts using a graphic organizer, middle schoolers write a narrative essay which relates an autobiographical incident. Students present their essays in a slideshow which allows their classmates to practice...
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: How Silk Is Made
This lesson plan focuses on sequencing using a narrative passage and Makes Sense Guided Reading Strategies.
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Taking Apart and Reconstructing Stories
This lesson plan is designed as a project-based unit plan that will take students through the narrative process from deconstruction to construction. After initial discussion, students will use the Interactive Story Map feature at Read...
Pbs Learning Media: Interpreting Characters, Setting, Plot, & Theme: Triangle...
Middle schoolers will view video documenting the real-life story of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire in 1911. Students will complete a story elements graphic organizer. This organizer will help them distinguish various story elements...
University of South Florida
Fcat Express: Chronological Order Worksheet [Pdf]
This Chronological Order graphic organizer allows students to order events from text they are reading.
ACT360 Media
Sequence Paragraphs
Here are a few brief hints and key words to use when organizing a piece of writing by sequence or time.
SMART Technologies
Smart: Reviewing Sequence of Events
Students will identify time-order words in order to comprehend passages, place events in sequential order on a time line, and use a flow chart to organize their thoughts for writing in this interactive SMART whiteboard activity.
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Serendipitous Personification for Stories and Descriptions
Students will use this writing prompt generator to create a personification story or description.
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Left Brained Writing Prompt: Mini Worshop: People to Write About
In this mini-workshop, students are provided step-by-step instructions for writing about important people in their lives that they have not yet written about. Click the instructions button when you are ready to begin.
Blackdog Media
Classic Reader: "The Master of the 'Chrysolite'" by G. B. O'halloran
Text of the short story "The Master of the 'Chrysolite'" by G. B. O'Halloran. (Free site registration offers some additional features, e.g., the ability to insert annotations.)
University of Victoria (Canada)
The U Vic Writer's Guide: Literary Term: Protagonist
Clear and concise, this University of Victoria Writer's Guide definition of "protagonist" covers the basics.