Ad Enhanced Reading Opportunities Study: Key Findings
An overview of findings from the second year of the Enhanced Reading Opportunities (ERO) study, an evaluation of two supplemental literacy programs - Reading Apprenticeship Academic Literacy and Xtreme Reading - that aim to improve the...
Ad Literacy Instruction in the Content Areas: The Core of Improvement
Every content area, from chemistry to history, has unique literacy demands: texts, knowledge, skills. But how are these critical literacies learned, let alone taught?
Robert H. Sarkissian
Island of Freedom: John Donne
A nice, easy-to-read page with info on John Donne. Gives good insight into the metaphysical style of poetry with links to several of his poems. RL.9-10.10a&b text complexity
Wikipedia: Iambic Pentameter
This encyclopedia entry for iambic pentameter provides examples of poetry and explanations of the meter's purpose.
Los Poetas
Los Poetas: Nezahualcoyotl
Read the biography of the Mexican poet Nezahualcoyotl and his poems.
Los Poetas
Los Poetas: Ignasio Mauel Altamiro
Read the biography of the Mexican poet Ignasio Mauel Altamiro and his poems.
Los Poetas
Los Poetas: Amado Nervo
Read the biography of the Mexican poet Amado Nervo and his poems.
Los Poetas
Los Poetas: Manuel Acuna
Read the biography of the Mexican poet Manuel Acuna and his poems.
Los Poetas
Los Poetas: Bernando Ortiz De Montellano
Read the biography of the Mexican poet Bernando Ortiz de Montellano and his poems.
Los Poetas
Los Poetas: Evaristo Ribera Chevremont
Read the biography of the Puerto Rican poet Evaristo Ribera Chevremont and his poems.
Los Poetas
Los Poetas: Luis De Gongora Y Argorte
Read the biography of Spanish poet Luis de Gongora y Argorte and his poems.
Los Poetas
Los Poetas: Duque De Rivas
Read the poems and biography of the Spanish poet Duque de Rivas.
Los Poetas
Los Poetas: Gutierre De Cetina
Read the poems and biography of the Spanish poet Gutierre de Cetina.
Los Poetas
Los Poetas: Baltazar De Alcazar
Read the poems and biography of the Spanish poet Baltazar de Alcazar.
Los Poetas
Los Poetas: Bartolome Aregensola
Read the poems and biography of the Spanish poet Bartolome Aregensola.
E Reading Worksheets
E Reading Worksheets: Reading Comprehension: Carnivorous Plants
A complete reading comprehension activity with the nonfiction text, and several interactive questions as follow up. Press the "play" button to access the material.
E Reading Worksheets
E Reading Worksheets: Text Structures
A complete reading activity covering text structure with several interactive practice questions. Press the "play" button to access the material.
Critical Drama
Discusses what the literary form of drama consists of in relation to its content, language, and structure.
Dickinson Colleg: Wordsworth on Nature
A look at Wordswoth's philosophy on nature as evident in his writings. Contains a link to his complete works.
Self Lyrical Poems of Robert Herrick
Website from attempts to connect the content of Robert Herrick poems to the expression, description, and meaning of human reality. Included is Herrick's poetry, biographical information, and links to other search tools...
Portalde Poesia: Poesia Illustrada
This site has a collection of many Spanish poems with some illustrations.
Bartleby Cambridge History of Eng and Am Lit: Beginning of Verse, 1610 1808
Discussion of the earliest poetry in Colonial New England. Describes common themes and forms and identifies specific poets of the period.
Bartleby Poetry of the West
This entry, from the Cambridge History of English and American Literature, provides a description of the poetry written in the second half of the nineteenth century by poets of the American West, namely Bret Harte. It examines common...