University of Toronto (Canada)
University of Toronto: Representative Poetry Online
A glossary of literary terms, primarily dealing with poetry, with definitions.
Read Write Think: Vocabulary Self Collection Strategy
Contains plans for two lessons that ask students to compose their own vocabulary lists by selecting words that are unfamiliar to them. In addition to objectives and standards, this instructional plan contains links to sites used in the...
University of Victoria (Canada)
The U Vic Writer's Guide: Literary & Rhetorical Terms
A comprehensive list of literary terms from the University of Victoria that will give students definitions and examples of how they are used. Terms are sorted by category. L.11-12.4d Verify meaning
Quia: S v Agreement: Indefinite Pronouns
Given the term definition, students are to select the matching literary term in this 40 question quiz that covers 40 literary terms. Java is required.
University of Victoria (Canada)
The U Vic Writer's Guide: Literary Term: Allegory
This site provides an excellent description of allegory. Content includes a focus on two of the main types of allegories, as well as an example.
University of Victoria (Canada)
The U Vic Writer's Guide: Literary Term: Ambiguity
This site from The UVic Writer's Guide provides an excellent description of the term ambiguity. Site offers links to other literary terms and their meanings.
University of Victoria (Canada)
The U Vic Writer's Guide: Figures of Thought: Symbol
Learn about symbolism in literature and view examples of this literary technique.
Virtual Salt
Handbook of Rhetorical Devices: Analogy
Defines analogy. Also explains the reasoning behind the multiple levels of comparisons within an analogy. Includes examples and quotes from famous authors.
E Reading Worksheets
E Reading Worksheets: Simile Worksheets
This site contains figurative language worksheets that assess students' understanding of similes in the context of sentence. After seeing an example, students will fill in the words that are compared in each simile. In addition, students...
Goshen College
Goshen College: Literary Analysis Guide
This resource not only explains how to analyze a text, but also, provides student examples of literary texts. W.9-10.9b Research/Argum, RI.11-12.5 Evaluate text structure
Grammarly Blog: Idioms and Phrases
An explanation and examples of idioms and how to use context clues to understand their meanings.
Grammarly Blog: Idioms and Their Meanings
An explanation and examples of idioms and their geographic ties.
Lifestream Center: Lessons: Literary Concepts: Elements of a Story
This site offers a basic understanding of the elements of a story. It clearly defines each literary term.
Washington State University
Washington State University: Epigram/epigraph/ Epitaph/epithet
This site gives a definition of the word "epigram." It also includes a few examples of epigrams.
Class Flow: Figurative Language Review
[Free Registration/Login Required] This lesson helps students understand figurative language.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Personification
Seven slides introducing and providing examples of personification. Slides also explain the purpose and impact of personification within a text, and examples come from "Rappaccini's Daughter" by Nathaniel Hawthorne.
TES Global
Blendspace: Figurative Language & Tone
A twelve-part learning module with links to texts, videos, and websites on figurative language and tone.
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Holt, Rinehart and Winston: Elements of Literature: Identifying Figures of Speech [Pdf]
A graphic organizer which allows students to document and list the figures of speech they identify in a given piece of literature. These include simile, metaphor, personification, and symbol, and require examples from the text.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Determining Denotation
This lesson explains how to determine the denotation of words; it defines denotation and offers a plan of action: look up the word in the dictionary, read all meanings paying attention to parts of speech, and compare each of these...
University of Pennsylvania
University of Pennsylvania: Assonance
This resource provides a detailed explanation of the term "assonance." Several examples provided as well as links to related sites.
Wnet: Thirteen: I Have a Metaphor
This lesson plan not only examines the message of Dr. King, but also the words themselves. This is a lesson plan in identifying the literary devices that he used in his "I Have a Dream" Speech. It will introduce the following literary...
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Denotation and Connotation (English I Reading)
Distinguish between the denotative (dictionary) meaning of a word and its connotative (emotions or associations that are implied rather than literal) meaning. L.9-10.5b nuances
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Importance of Figurative Language: Practice 3 (English I Reading)
Read a text and understand how the figurative language of a literary work contributes to its historical and cultural setting.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Denotation and Connotation (English I Reading)
This lesson focuses on denotation and connotation including the abilty to distinguish words according to their emotional or cultural meaning. Your ability to do so can help you understand the author's purpose or more about a character in...