Sophia Learning
Sophia: Topic Sentences
This slideshow lesson focuses on topic sentences; it defines them, gives the characteristics of effective topic sentences, tells what they are NOT, discusses how to create them, and provides examples of effective topic sentences.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Topic Sentences: Map Your Way to Writing One
This tutorial on writing topic sentences includes 2 videos, 2 slide shows, and an audio clip. The first YouTube video explains the 4 parts of a topic sentence and tells where topic sentences belong. The 2 slide shows focus on the MAP...
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Choosing and Narrowing a Topic to Write About (For Research Papers)
This tutorial focuses on choosing a topic for research and then narrowing it down to a workable thesis statement. It starts with information about choosing a topic and the 3 steps involved and then provides 3 steps to narrowing the...
Sophia Learning
Sophia: I Just Got Assigned a Paper, Now What?
This lesson focuses on what to do after being assigned a paper; it provides the basic steps to writing a paper: brainstorm topics, organize your thoughts (Venn diagrams, tree diagram examples), conduct preliminary research, create a...
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Revising Persuasive Essay: Analysis of Data, Facts, and Ideas
[Accessible by TX Educators. Free Registration/Login Required] Learn strategies for evaluating and revising specific data, facts, and ideas included in an essay.
Common Lit: Genetically Modified Salmon: Food or Frankenfish is a wonderful resource to use in a Language Arts classroom. Each story or article is accompanied by guided reading questions, assessment questions, and discussion questions. In addition, students can click on words to see...
Buck Institute
Buck Institute for Education: 6 8 Presentation Rubric (Ccss Aligned)
[Free Registration/Login Required] This rubric helps teachers guide students in grades 6-8 in making effective presentations in a project, and it can be used to assess their performance. Alignment with CCSS is not noted. It describes an...
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Synthesize Ideas and Details in Several Texts (English I Reading)
In this lesson, you will practice making connections between ideas on the same topic. Some of the ideas will differ from each other, so we will learn how to identify and synthesize important details and draw conclusions. W.9-10.7 Research
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: Philosophical Chairs Discussion
Philosophical Chairs discussions allow students to make meaning of texts while developing, defending, and supporting their claims. This resource walks you through how to implement this type of discussion in your classroom. Included are...
Choose from among lesson plans, assessments, and original student tutorials to teach how to analyze a speaker's arguments.
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Alliterative Insects
For this lesson students develop a story about an insect while utilizing previously written sentences with strong word choice.
Lumen Learning
Lumen: Boundless Communications: Introduction
In this section of a textbook, students learn different techniques for writing an introduction. It provides links to information on the following topics: the role of an introduction, getting attention and interest, establishing...
Cambridge Rindge & Latin School
Cambridge Rindge & Latin School: Focusing a Research Topic
This clear and easy to understand explanation of how to focus your topic for effective research will be helpful to many. There are plenty of examples, and two alternate methods are offered as well.
Cambridge Rindge & Latin School
Cambridge Rindge & Latin School: Research Topic Ideas
A comprehensive and in-depth list of possible topics and ideas for research papers from the Cambridge Rindge and Latin School.
Uncg University Speaking Center: Parts of a Speech [Pdf]
This site provides public speaking tips. Advice and examples for writing the introduction and conclusion are highlighted. The tips could also be used to help in preparing for group discussion.
Univ. Of Washington: How to Make an Outline [Pdf]
Information on how to make an outline. Provides a sample.
University of Tampere: General Notes on Speech Preparation
A general, but very informative website on all types of speeches. It runs the reader through the process of finding and choosing a topic to the delivery of the speech.
Read Write Think: Introducing Each Other: Interviews, Memoirs, Photos, Internet
This lesson plan is designed to teach various methods students can use when researching background information on one another in order to introduce each other in written and oral form.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Research Questions: A Focus for Planning, Researching, and Writing
This Sophia video lesson introduces how to develop good questions for a research paper. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.W.8; CCSS.ELA-Literacy.WHST.6-8.7 Conduct short research projects. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.WHST.6-8.7 standards are addressed in...
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Note Taking Techniques
A five-slide presentation explaining techniques writers can use to take effective notes while gathering information for a research project. SL.9-10.1a Prepared/Discuss
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Writing Effective Topic Sentences
Ten slides discussing the elements of a topic sentence and explaining how to write an effective topic sentence by using the acronym MAP (Main idea, Attitude, Preview).
How to Analyze a Speech
An interesting approach to how to analyze a speech. Presents a rhetorical pentangle as well as a rhetorical triangle, where each of the vertices represents an item to analyze. There is also an outline of the different areas to examine in...
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Holt, Rinehart and Winston: Speaking and Listening Progress [Pdf]
This two-page printable worksheet is designed for classroom use by the teacher for evaluating and tracking progress in speaking and listening skills and student engagement in discussions. SL.9-10.1a Prepared/Discuss, SL.9-10.6 Adapt to...