Towson University
Towson University: Ows: Active Passive Voice Exercise 1
This is a 10-question, self-grading exercise/quiz on changing Passive Voice sentences to Active Voice.
Towson University
Towson University: Ows: Active Passive Voice Exercise 2
This is a 10-question, self-grading exercise/quiz on changing Passive Voice sentences to Active Voice.
Towson University
Towson University: Ows: Active Passive Voice Exercise 3
This is a 10-question, self-grading exercise/quiz on changing passive voice sentences to active voice.
Online Writing Lab at Purdue University
Purdue University Owl: Active and Passive Voice
A good resource that clearly outlines the differences, uses, and purposes of the active and passive voice, both in writing and in verb construction. Includes charts and examples. Click through all the sub-topics for the complete...
Get It Write
Get It Write: The Passive Voice
Use this tutorial to ensure understanding of the passive voice and about how to use it. Students can test their understanding after the explanation.
English Page Conditional Tutorial
Introduces conditional verbs. Begins with discussion of real and unreal conditional verbs. Offers a table of examples and links to additional information and exercises.
English Page Past Conditionals
Tutorial lesson on past conditional verb forms and their use with examples and exercises.
Verb Rules: Do and Make
The verbs "do" and "make" are often troublesome for ESL speakers/writers. This site gives instructions for their proper use.
Quia: Grammar: To, Two, Too
In this activity, students are to read the sentence, and select the complete verb phrase from the options given in an arrow-down box. Java is required.
Read Write Think: More Than One Way to Create Vivid Verbs
Contains plans for three lessons to help students use vivid verbs in their writing. In addition to objectives and standards, this instructional plan contains links to sites used in the lessons as well as assessment and reflection...
Quia: Linking Verbs and Action Verbs
While this 15 question practice quiz focuses on linking and action verbs, it also asks students to type in subjects and other parts of speech. Java is required.
Quia: Comma Usage Enclosure
In this exercise, students are asked to identify and type the verbs of sentences into the boxes provided. Java is required.
English Club
English Club: Learn English: Grammar: Verbs: The 12 Basic English Tenses
Information about verb tenses and links to additional information about present, past, and future tenses.
TES Global
Blendspace: Regular Verbs
In this TES Blendspace, students will have access to twenty-four multimedia resources that will help them learn about regular verbs.
TES Global
Blendspace: Time Past Simple
This sixty-part learning module provides assorted references for verb tenses. This blendspace provides reproducible resources video lesson and practice exercises for past verb tenses.
E Reading Worksheets
E Reading Worksheets: Past Tense Worksheets
Several worksheets are provided to reinforce the understanding of the past perfect verb tense. Students will practice writing past perfect tenses of verbs. Students will also practice combining sentences as they incorporate the past...
Grammarly Blog: Passive Voice and Vagaries
Tips on improving writing by eliminating vague statements and using active voice instead of passive voice.
Grammarly Blog: Simple Present Tense (Present Indefinite)
An explanation with examples of simple present verb tense in sentences.
Grammarly Blog: Verb Forms
This page explains the five forms of verbs: root, third-person singular,present participle, past, and past participle and provides examples of each.
Grammarly Blog: Imperative Verbs: Definition and Examples
An explanation and examples of imperative verbs.
Grammarly Blog: Main Verbs
An explanation with examples of main verbs and how they are used in sentences.
English Page Present Conditionals
Tutorial on present conditional verb forms and their use with examples and related links to exercises.
Grammarly Blog: Subjunctive Mood
An explanation and examples of writing in subjective mood.
Grammarly Blog: Uses of Verbs
This page focuses on verbs including definitions, action and non-action verbs, verb tenses, and verb moods with examples for all of the above.