Cambridge Rindge & Latin School
Cambridge Rindge & Latin School: Making Source Cards
A great resource for putting together all of a student's possible sources onto note cards for later using in citing.
Rice University
Rice University: Writing Research Papers
This site presents information about the necessary parts of a scientific research report. It also contains a sample abstract and introduction.
Online Writing Lab at Purdue University
Purdue University Owl: Types of Sources
A list and explanation of different types of print and online sources. W.11-12.8 Sources/Integrate/Cite
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Paper Writing: Research Paper: Research Techniques
This site presents writers with information about appropriate resources to use when writing research papers and useful tips on how to find these resources. Students can read through a vocabulary section to learn the definitions of common...
University of Toronto (Canada)
University of Toronto: Standard Documentation Formats
Documenting Internet resources is becoming standardized. You'll find some of the basics here, plus links to more detailed guidelines now included in respected academic style guides. L.9-10.3a Standard Format, W.11-12.6 Technology,...
Joe Landsberger
Study Guides & Strategies: Elements of a Research Paper
All the basics of writing the research paper are presented here very succinctly. Links to more in-depth looks at various steps are provided.
Online Writing Lab at Purdue University
Purdue University Owl: Annotated Bibliography Example
This handout provides examples of an annotations for an annotated bibliography and an explanation. The one provided is in MLA style.
University of Sydney (Australia)
The Write Site: Overview: Using Quoting & Paraphrasing
This learning module explains the components of academic writing. The module includes the following topics: original material, paraphrased content, summarized information, and direct quotations.
Lumen Learning
Lumen: Evaluating Sources: Scholarly vs. Non Scholarly Sources
This instructional activity focuses on types of sources including scholarly vs. non-scholarly sources and print, online, and multimedia.
Lumen Learning
Lumen: Evaluating Sources: Craap Analysis of Print Sources
This lesson focuses on evaluating print sources using CRAAP Analysis: Currency, relevance, authority, accuracy, and purpose. A practice exercise is included. W.9-10.8 Sources
Lumen Learning
Lumen: Using Sources: Practice: Citing Sources
This is a practice exercise in citing sources. W.11-12.8 Sources/Integrate/Cite
Lumen Learning
Lumen: Using Sources: Using Online Citation and Reference Tools
This lesson focuses on using online citation tools and being aware that they make mistakes that must be corrected. W.9-10.8 Sources
Lumen Learning
Lumen: Using Sources: Credibility Markers
This lesson focuses on strategies for maintaining credibility and authority in your writing. It also provides a table of different types of credibility markers, an explanation, and the application for each. SL.9-10.2 eval & integrate...
Lumen Learning
Lumen: Using Sources: Putting It Together: Using Sources
This is a summary of the lessons on integrating credible sources using paraphrase, summary, and quotations and citing sources. Click on the Next button on the bottom right to learn about Why It Matters: Multimodality; you will have the...
Indiana University
Indiana University: Plagiarism
Uses examples to explain the right and wrong way to use reference material. Shows how a rewrite can still be plagiarism. Briefly discusses common knowledge and paraphrasing.
Wisc Online: Identifying Acceptable Paraphrases
This learning module defines paraphrasing and discusses how to paraphase, and then they identify acceptable paraphrases of source material.
Library of Congress
Loc: How to Cite Digitized Primary Sources
Learn from the Library of Congress how to correctly cite the many electronic resources available in their collection. Films, legal documents, photographs, maps, sound recordings and other unusual cases are covered. Be sure you click on...
Wisc Online: Writing Effective Paraphrases
In this learning module, students practice paraphrasing brief, non-fiction passages.
Apa Style Central
Use this comprehensive resource to learn about APA style. Students and teachers can use this site as a springboard for any questions they may have concerning APA Style.
University of Wisconsin
University of Wisconsin: Writing Center: Mla Documentation
This site outlines the basics of the MLA (Modern Language Association) style of documentation and includes links to handouts about in-text citations, the works cited page, and how to cite electronic sources. Several sample citations and...
University of Wisconsin
University of Wisconsin: Writing Center: Apa Documentation
This site provides information on the APA (American Psychological Association) documentation style. The information can be downloaded in PDF format. It refers to several handouts dealing with parenthetical references, reference lists,...
Online Writing Lab at Purdue University
Purdue University Owl: Annotated Bibliographies
This handout defines annotated bibliographies and explains the parts including summary, assessment, and reflection. It also discusses why one should do an annotated bibliography and provides links to APA and MLA formats.
Online Writing Lab at Purdue University
Purdue University Owl: Writing a Research Paper
This resource provides many links to information on writing research papers.
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Preparing to Write the Research Paper
This lesson introduces young scholars to research materials in the library and electronic materials available through the Alabama Virtual Library(AVL). The instruction emphasizes "how-to-use" multi-volume encyclopedias, multi-volume...