Grammarly Blog: Comma Between Correlative Conjunction Sets
This page provides the rules and exceptions for the use of commas when using corratative conjuction sets such as either or, or neither nor, or not only but also. No commas are needed between them unless the comma is needed for other...
Grammarly Blog: Comma Before But
This page focuses on the use of a comma before the coordinating conjunction "but" only if it is in front of an independent clause. Examples of proper and improper uses are provided.
Grammarly Blog: Semicolon
An explanation of the use of semicolons and links to specific semicolon usage rules.
Grammarly Blog: Semicolon Use
Rules and examples for using a semicolon to connect the independent clauses in a compound sentence.
Grammarly Blog: Semicolon With Conjunctive Adverbs
Rules and examples for using semicolons with conjunctive adverbs in a compound sentence.
Grammarly Blog: Semicolon Between Dependent and Independent Clauses
Rules and examples for using semicolons with complex sentences.
Grammarly Blog: Comma Before Too
This page explains the use of commas to emphasize the word "too" in a sentence; the use of one, two, or no commas depend of the use of "too" and its placement in the sentence.
Grammarly Blog: Comma Splice
This page focuses on the misuse of commas by using them to connect two independent clauses, resulting in a comma splice. It offers examples and suggestions for correcting them. It also provides exceptions to the rule with examples.
Grammarly Blog: Comma After Introductory Clauses
Rules and examples for using commas correctly with an introductory clause.
Grammarly Blog: As Well as Comma
This page explains that the use of the prhase "as well as" in sentences requires a judgement call; it usually does not require the use of a comma unless it is part of a non-restrictive clause, but exceptions apply. Examples are provided.
Grammarly Blog: Comma Before Parenthesis
This page explains the proper use of commas with parenthesis: no comma before a parenthesis, no comma after a parenthesis unless it is needed for another reason such as a long introductory clause in a complex sentence, and no commas if...
Grammarly Blog: Oxford Comma
Rules and examples for using a comma before the conjunction in a list.
Grammarly Blog: Colon Between Independent Clauses
This page explains the use of a colon between two closely related independent clauses in a sentence when the emphasis is on the second clause. Examples are provided.
Grammarly Blog: Misuse of Colon
Rules and examples of commonly made usage errors with a colon.
Grammarly Blog: Comma Use Around Interrupters
This page focuses on the need for commas around interrupters in sentences and provides examples. Common interrupters include in fact, to say the least, however, generally speaking, sadly, happily, and unfortunately. Nouns of address can...
Grammarly Blog: Unnecessary Comma in a Complex Sentence
Rules and examples for using commas when writing a complex sentence.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Colons and Semicolons
This video lesson focuses on the rules for using colons and semicolons, which are often confused. It offers rules for the uses of each with specific examples. Real Player is required.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Colons and Semicolons
This slideshow discusses the difference between colons and semicolons and explains the rules and uses for each.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Semicolons
This tutorial offers a video and a slideshow explaining the rules for using the semicolon. [1:24]
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Semicolons
This semicolon tutorial includes notes, a slideshow, and an animated YouTube video. The slideshow defines semicolons, explains how and when to use them, and provides examples of them in context. The video explains the Chicago Style...
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Semicolons and Conjunctive Adverbs
This screencast focuses on the use of semicolons and conjunctive adverbs; it defines both, provides their rules, and provides examples for using them. The instructor explains ow to use conjunctive adverbs, how to punctuate the sentences...
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Semicolons Rule!
This tutorial focuses on semicolons; it provides two audio clips: one explaining how semicolons are different from periods and commas and the other explaining how to use semicolons with conjunctive adverbs. It also provides in slideshow...
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Semicolons and Conjunctive Adverb
An eight-slide presentation explaining semicolons, their usage rules, and how they are properly used in sentences with conjunctive adverbs. L.9-10.2a Punc/Indep Clause
Grammarly Blog: Semicolon With Conjunctions
Rules and examples for using semicolons with conjunctions in a compound sentence.