Daniel J. Kurland: Critical Reading: Inference: Reading Ideas as Well as Words
This college instructor offers his insights into critical reading and how to develop skills to interpret as well as comprehend the written word. RL.9-10.1, RL.11-12.1, RI.9-10.1 textual evidence and inference.
TES Global
Blendspace: The Roaring 20's
A learning module with thirteen links to texts, images, and videos, with information about life during the 1920's. RI.9-10.7 different mediums
Prezi: Explicit v. Implicit Meaning
Slideshow investigates how to determine what the text is saying v. what it means.
Mind Tools
Mind Tools: Reading Strategies
This site from Mind Tools reviews six different strategies to help you read more effectively. RI.11-12.10a Text Complexity
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Skimming for Main Ideas
This lesson explains how to scan a question for the main idea.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Avoiding Digressions
This lesson explains how to avoid digressions when answering reading comprehension questions.
Laflemm.com: Reading Resources: Inference
This page has reading tips and exercises that explain inferences. There is an answer key for students to check their work. RL.9-10.1, RL.11-12.1, RI.9-10.1 & RL.11-12.1 textual evidence and inferences
Critical Reading: Three Ways to Read and Discuss Texts
Designed to help students think about their reading and writing skills, this page offers three different ways to interpret and discuss texts.