TES Global
Tes: Teaching Shakespeare: Genre: Comedy
[Free Registration/Login Required] Use these resources to explore the comic traditions of Shakespeare and discover how the different plays reflect these conventions and compare with each other. The resources include videos, images,...
TES Global
Tes: Teaching Shakespeare: Genre: History
[Free Registration/Login Required] This collection of resources will help you determine if Shakespeare's historical plays were accurate or more political and cultural statements about the times he lived in. They include videos, articles,...
TES Global
Tes: Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet / Analytical Writing
[Free Registration/Login Required] This is a four-week lesson with plans, activities, writing assignments, and other assessments for Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. It includes themes, language, writing about literature, soliquays,...
Project Gutenberg
Project Gutenberg: Last Poems by a.e. Housman
This is the full text of Last Poems by the English poet A. E. Housman.
Annenberg Foundation
Annenberg Learner: Literary Visions
Twenty-six half hour videos on literary analysis for high school students that feature authors, scholars, actors and noted critics. Topics include The Art of the Essay, Setting and Character in Short Fiction, Responding to Literature and...
British Library
British Library: Prose and Verse in Shakespeare's Plays
An article discussing how Shakespeare used prose and verse in his plays, and what we can learn from this. The author cites numerous examples from Shakespeare's plays and a few from other authors. Includes images of documents in the...
Morgan Library and Museum: Jean De Brunhoff: Histoire De Babar Maquette
Get a glimpse into the creative mind of Jean de Brunhoff by paging through a maquette, or scale-model manuscript, of his first book about Babar the Elephant. View Brunhoff's hand-drawn illustrations for each manuscript page and view them...
The Best Notes
The Best Notes: Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare
This is an online study guide for the play Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare including author information, literary elements, scene summaries/notes, study questions, and analysis.
The Newberry Library
Newberry: Shakespeare's the Tempest and Utopias of the European Renaissance
Newberry Library learning module uses primary source material of Shakespeare in a lesson on how Renaissance writers and artists portrayed European exploration of America. Students read excerpts from works of Renaissance literature to...
Read Print Publishing: Full Text Literature
Full text and free online versions of plays, essays, fiction, nonfiction, poetry and short stories. Search by favorite author or title and immediately find your text of choice.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Understanding and Analysis of Literary Text: Meter and Rhyme
OnTRACK English II Reading, Module 3, Lessons 1-12, and Practice Lessons 1-3. Students understand, make inferences and draw conclusions about the structure and elements of poetry, drama, fiction, and literary non-fiction, and provide...
Blackdog Media
Classic Reader: Authors: T. S. Eliot
This site features the author T. S. Eliot including a biography and the full text of the poetry collection Poems, which contains 24 poems including "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" and "A Cooking Egg."
Library of Congress
Loc: 1900 America: Primary Sources and Epic Poetry
To better understand the United States at the end of the nineteenth century, this interdisciplinary lesson integrates analyzing historical primary resources with literary analysis. Students work in groups and express themselves...
National Endowment for the Humanities
Neh: Edsit Ement: Sor Juana, the Poet: The Sonnets
In this lesson plan, students will consider Sor Juana, the Poet: The Sonnets. Worksheets and other supporting materials can be found under the Resources tab. In this lesson students will analyze two of Sor Juana's sonnets: "A su retrato"...
Shakespeare Online
Shakespeare Online: Analysis of Shakespeare's Sonnet 130
This analysis begins with a paraphrase of the poem and a glossary of unfamiliar terms. There follows a brief, clear analysis of the poem which focuses on Shakespeare's twist on conventional sonnet imagery.
University of Illinois
University of Illinois: Modern American Poetry: Archibald Mac Leish
This site houses three poems in full text from the great American poet Archibald MacLeish (1892-1982 CE), as well as criticism on two of his most famous. The three pieces are 'Baccalaureate', 'Two Poems from the War', and 'An Eternity'.
Ted Nellen
Cyber English (By Ted Nellen): Poetry Analysis Fact Sheet
This is a Poetry Analysis Fact Sheet that includes how to analyze the parts of a poem including the title, connotations, tone, shifts, theme, poetic devices, and writing a paraphrase.
Yale University
Yale New Haven Teachers Institute: Working With Shakespeare
This site introduces Shakespeare as a poet and dramatist. Come and learn more about his life and work through this informative resource, which includes a sonnet worksheet, bibliography, activities, and more.
The Rossetti Archive: d.g. Rossetti
This site from The Rossetti Archive provides an incredible site in the making of all kinds of information and texts of works of Dante Grabriel Rossetti. Much is already working with a completion date of the entire project at the end of...
Modernist Poetry
Account of the rise of modernist Persian poetry and its influence on the imagist movement. Links to authors and works.
Cummings Study Guides: How Shakespeare Prepared Manuscripts
Learn many of the elements which Shakespeare used, or took into consideration, as he wrote the original manuscripts of his plays. How did he shape the English language with new words, how did he evoke settings when plays used few or no...
Bbc Bitesize: Higher English
This site provides information about characters, plot, and setting of several different pieces of literature. It offers links to activities and tests on topic such as analysis and evaluation, creation and production, drama, novels, and...
Bartleby.com: Cambridge History of Eng and Am Lit: Cavalier and Puritan
A wonderful website with a plethora of links to information on poets, Cavalier writers, the Sacred poets, the origin of the couplet, the lesser Caroline poets, as well as political writing.
Read Write Think: Finding Poetry in Prose Reading and Writing Love Poems
Contains plans for three lessons about love poetry that ask students to review the genre before writing their own. In addition to objectives and standards, this instructional plan contains links to PDF handouts and sites used in the...