Read Write Think: Poetry: Sound and Sense
Lesson that gently encourages the teaching of poetry in "nonthreatening" ways. Stresses reading and listening, discussion, and the examination of the sound and sense of poetry.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Meter and Rhyme (English Ii Reading)
Analyze the meter, rhyme scheme, line length, punctuation, and word position in poetry.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Close Reading of Prose: Practice 2 (English Ii Reading)
Read carefully in order to identify diction, tone, and irony, and evaluate their impact on the meaning of a text.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Meter and Rhyme (English Ii Reading)
Analyze the meter, rhyme scheme, line length, punctuation, and word position in poetry.
Lumen Learning
Lumen: Reading and Interpreting Literary Texts: Approaching Poetry
This lesson focuses on the how to approach the analysis of poetry. It provides a series of student activities such as having students read and compare a draft and the final version of William Blake's "Tyger" which is followed by a...
Lumen Learning
Lumen: Reading and Interpreting Literary Texts: Literary Terms: A Guide
This is a guide to poetic literary terms such as meter and an explanation of several types of meter, types of stanzas, types of rhyme, etc.
University De Valencia: The Literature of Modernism: 1912 40
Modernist poetry is featured in this comprehensive article.
The Wondering Minstrels
The Wondering Minstrels website provides a poem a day, complete with analysis, criticism, biographical information, literary anecdotes, trivia, and our own skewed sense of humor. RL.9-10.10a&b text complexity, RL.11-12.10a/b Text...
California Polytechnic State University: Shakespearean Verse and Prose
Explains terms used in discussing how verse and prose were used by Shakespeare, and how to recognize prose, rhyme, and blank verse in his plays, and what their functions are. RL.9-10.5 text structure effects
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Literary Text: Close Reading of Poetry: Practice 3
This lesson will help you comprehend the poet's meaning by giving you practice in finding imagery, metaphors, symbolism, and allusions.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Close Reading of Poetry: Practice 2 (English I Reading)
[Accessible by TX Educators. Free Registration/Login Required] As you work through this lesson, you will learn how to interpret poetry. You will learn how to spot a metaphor, you will learn to identify imagery, and you will be introduced...
Bartleby Cambridge History of Eng and Am Lit: Later National Literature: P2
This encyclopedia, "The Cambridge History of English and American Literature" provided by, includes information of regionalism in poetry located in section X 'Later Poets'. Check out 1.Poets of East and West 5. The Middle...
Academy of American Poets Voice
Thirteen day poetry unit plan provided by The Academy of American Poets designed for ninth or tenth grade students. Contains individual lessons on spoken poetry, written poetry, poetry as social commentary, and voice. Each lesson...
Academy of American Poets Songs My Teacher Taught Me
Twenty day poetry unit plan provided by The Academy of American Poets. Contains three thematic sections: "What is Poetry?", "Poems of Childhood," and "Self and Society." Each section contains a reading list, introduction, analytical...
British Library
British Library: Discovering Literature: Romantics & Victorians Poetry
The Victorian period heralded a new wave of poetry that was influenced by its Romantic predecessors yet distinctly different. Read articles on how the Victorian poets approached composition, form and language, and what inspired their...
British Library
British Library: Discovering Literature: Aphra Behn
Familiarize yourself with the life and works of Aphra Behn. This source contains a quick fact sheet, a short biography, and links to related articles, collection items, works, and teacher resources.
Robert H. Sarkissian
Island of Freedom: John Donne
A nice, easy-to-read page with info on John Donne. Gives good insight into the metaphysical style of poetry with links to several of his poems. RL.9-10.10a&b text complexity
Ted Nellen
Cyber English (By Ted Nellen): Stanza
This is a glossary entry for "Stanza" including the definition of the term.
Los Poetas
Los Poetas: Nezahualcoyotl
Read the biography of the Mexican poet Nezahualcoyotl and his poems.
Los Poetas
Los Poetas: Ignasio Mauel Altamiro
Read the biography of the Mexican poet Ignasio Mauel Altamiro and his poems.
Los Poetas
Los Poetas: Manuel Acuna
Read the biography of the Mexican poet Manuel Acuna and his poems.
Los Poetas
Los Poetas: Gutierre De Cetina
Read the poems and biography of the Spanish poet Gutierre de Cetina.
Los Poetas
Los Poetas: Baltazar De Alcazar
Read the poems and biography of the Spanish poet Baltazar de Alcazar.
Los Poetas
Los Poetas: Bartolome Aregensola
Read the poems and biography of the Spanish poet Bartolome Aregensola.