Ted Nellen
Cyber English (By Ted Nellen): Periphrasis
This is a glossary entry for the term "Periphrasis" including a definition and an example.
Ted Nellen
Cyber English (By Ted Nellen): Polysyndeton
This is a glossary entry for the term "Polysyndeton" including a definition and literary examples.
Ted Nellen
Cyber English (By Ted Nellen): Setting
This is a glossary entry for the term "Setting," the time and place a story takes place.
Ted Nellen
Cyber English (By Ted Nellen): Symbol
This is a glossary entry for the term "Symbol" including definitions and examples.
Ted Nellen
Cyber English (By Ted Nellen): Synecdoche
This is a glossary entry for the term "Synecdoche" including a definition and an example.
Ted Nellen
Cyber English (By Ted Nellen): Syntax
This is a glossary entry for the term "Syntax" including definitions and background for the term.
Ted Nellen
Cyber English (By Ted Nellen): Theme
This is a glossary entry for the term "Theme" including a definition and an example.
Ted Nellen
Cyber English (By Ted Nellen): Verisimilitude
This is a glossary entry for the term "Verisimilitude" including the definition and examples.
Ted Nellen
Cyber English (By Ted Nellen): Euphony
This is a glossary entry for the term "Euphony" including a definition and an example.
Polynesian University: Academic Writer: Analogy
Describes different writing strategies to be used with analogies to help get a point across. Gives three good examples.
Quia: List of Literary Terms
A list of 28 literary terms with brief, clear definitions. "Nonfiction," is the last term in the list.
Reading Quest: Strategies for Reading Comprehension: Concept of Definition Map
Sometimes teaching students about creating definitions is difficult because they do not understand about multiple meanings or depth in meaning. This is a chance to teach students, using the concept map included, how to create definitions...
Ted Nellen
Cyber English (By Ted Nellen): Tone
This is a glossary entry for the term "Tone" including a definition and an example.
Ted Nellen
Cyber English (By Ted Nellen): Euphemism
This is a glossary entry for the term "Euphemism" including a definition and examples. L.9-10.5a Figures of Speech
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Denotation
This lesson introduces denotation and provides examples. L.11-12.5b Nuance
Ted Nellen
Cyber English (By Ted Nellen): Denotation
Brief definition of the term denotation provided. Several examples given and a link to the term connotation provided.
University of Victoria (Canada)
The U Vic Writer's Guide: Literary Term: Connotation and Denotation
This site provides a brief explanation of the distinction between "denotation" and "connotation."
University of Cambridge
University of Cambridge: The Virtual Classroom Glossary of Literary Terms
Glossary of Literary Terms provided by the University of Cambridge Faculty of English. Seventy terms are included, and they are given between one sentence and a paragraph of explanation each.
Vancouver Island University
Vancouver Island University: Literary Terms
Site contains a list of literary terms, including the word "characterization." Basic but accurate definitions are easy to understand.
Rutgers University
Rutgers University: Glossary of Literary and Rhetorical Terms: Genre
Brief definition of the literary term.
Rutgers University
Rutgers University: Glossary of Literary and Rhetorical Terms: Synecdoche
Brief definition with links to information on related literary terms and examples.
Rutgers University
Rutgers University: Glossary of Literary and Rhetorical Terms
This is a glossary of literary and rhetorical terms in alphabetical order by Jack Lynch, Rutgers University. Click the desired link to find the definition.