Sophia Learning
Sophia: Emphasis: Repetition
This lesson discusses how to add emphasis through repetition. This tutorial lesson shares a short slideshow with the lesson's content.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Skimming for Main Ideas
This lesson explains how to scan a question for the main idea.
Critical Reading: How the Language Really Works: What's Critical Thinking?
Reading and writing are essentially thinking. This site examines the aspects of critical thinking, including rationality, self-awareness, honesty, open-mindedness, discipline, and judgment. RI.11-12.10a Text Complexity
Critical Reading: Three Ways to Read and Discuss Texts
Designed to help students think about their reading and writing skills, this page offers three different ways to interpret and discuss texts.
Live Reader and Task Considerations
Reader and task considerations including Cognitive Capabilities, Reading Skills, Motivation and Engagement with Task and Text, Prior Knowledge and Experience, Content and/or Theme Concerns, Complexity of Associated Tasks.
Prezi: What Is Complex Literature?
This Prezi was created by Marko Zlomislic. The presentation explains what constitutes complex literature. It defines complex texts, discusses the varied benefits of learning to read them, and provides links to lesson plans and examples....
W. W. Norton
W.w. Norton & Company: Elements of the Essay: Structure
Click through an overview of how to structure an essay, including the introduction, body, and conclusion. Use the list on the right side to learn all of the elements of an essay.