University of Sydney (Australia)
The Write Site: Why & How to Use Sources
This University of Sydney reference explains the importance of using reputable sources in academic writings. Then the site provides steps to follow to assist students with using bibliographic sources. Click on the sections list to...
Oslis: Learn How to Do Research, Find Information, Cite Sources
Excellent site outlining each step for Internet research at the middle school and secondary levels. This site focuses on a variety of information literacy topics, from how to research, find and evaluate information, and cite sources....
University of North Carolina
Writing Center: Handouts and Links
Resources for the writer of academic papers, with specific guidance about the mechanics of writing, citations, and effective expression. Lots of detail and lots of examples.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Embedding Direct Quotations and Incorporating Indirect Quotations
This lesson focuses on the correct methods for using both direct and indirect quotations. We will explore how properly written direct quotations can fall into one of three categories: acceptable, better, or best, depending on how...
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Exploring a Research Topic and Identifying Relevant Sources
In this lesson, students learn how to plan their research, find relevant primary and secondary sources, and use those sources in your research papers. W.11-12.8 Sources/Integrate/Cite
Department of Defense
Do Dea: Discovery and Attribution
The research process can be daunting, but it doesn't have to be overwhelming! After you complete this self-guided unit, you will be well prepared to write a research paper. You will learn how to choose a topic, evaluate the reliability...
Intute Virtual Training Suite: Internet Detective: Wise Up to the Web
Focused on using the internet for college-level research, this valuable site is visually attractive and well-organized, and includes a number of interactive features.
Oslis: Research Process
Excellent site outlining each step for Internet research for grades 6-12. This site focuses on writing a research paper from selecting a topic through to the final paper. Click on Cite My Sources to get the electronic citation machines....
Online Writing Lab at Purdue University
Purdue University Owl: Evaluating Sources: General Guidelines
This entry focuses on evaluating your sources while reading them, giving suggestions on what to look for when reading.
Joe Landsberger
Study Guides & Strategies: Writing Basics
A fairly detailed list of steps to take, with descriptions of those steps, in order to write a good essay.
Brigham Young University
Apa Reference Style: Tightening Up Your Citations
This site contains a lot of general information about the APA (American Psychological Association) style of documentation, much of which can be obtained from other sites and sources; however, this site does contain practice exercises for...
Education Development Center
Making Mathematics: Mathematics Research Teacher Handbook: Getting Information
Information for teachers on teaching students how to research and write on mathematical topics. Includes tips for active reading, researching online and journal sources, and conducting interviews to gather information.
University of Wisconsin
University of Wisconsin: Writing Center: Writing a Research Report
Learn how to write research papers. Includes an eight-step writing handout, information on quoting and paraphrasing, and tips for writing annotated bibliographies. Click on the side links to access some of these resources.
SUNY Empire State College
Empire State College: Documenting Sources
Here's a basic guide to documentation -- more of the why and what and when, than the actual format.
The Write Place
Literacy Education Online: Logical Fallacies
This site from the St. Cloud State University provides many links in this index with general writing help. Under "Development" you'll find "Sensory Details." Under "Logical Fallicies" you'll find a link by the same name. Look under...
Cambridge Rindge & Latin School
Cambridge Rindge & Latin School: Making Note Cards
A useful site that gives information on how to make note cards when writing a research report or project. Provides examples and tips.
Cambridge Rindge & Latin School
Cambridge Rindge & Latin School: Making a Works Cited
An excellent tip sheet on how to write and develop a works cited and documentation list for a research paper. Includes in-depth information and examples.
University of Sydney (Australia)
The Write Site: Acknowledging Sources
An explanation of plagiarism is included this learning module. Students will learn why it is important to cite all sources during a research
University of Sydney (Australia)
The Write Site: Summary: Paraphrasing
This site provides a list of reminders about paraphrases. Then student will self-assess their own writings to ensure that they have properly used their paraphrases.
Ic You See: T Is for Thinking: Guide to Critical Thinking
This clearly presented tutorial can be used by individuals or could be presented to a class. Be sure to take the interactive quiz for some thought-provoking exercises.
Grammarly Handbook: Where to Find Information
This page focuses on where to find information needed for writing papers: the library or the internet. It offers tips for using search engines and key words.
Grammarly Handbook: Asa (American Sociological Association)
This page explains the basics of the ASA citation style including in-text citations and the basics of bibliographic citations with examples. A link is provided to the ASA website for more information.
Read Write Think: Power Notes
A printable note-taking format where students create an outline by assigning powers to the main idea and supporting details. Directions on how to use this type of rubric as well as lists of teaching ideas and related resources are also...
Grays Harbor College: Writing Essays: Four Tips
This resource explores four tips for writers: "Center Your Thinking," "Organize Your Thinking," "Specify Your Thoughts," and "Present Your Thoughts Clearly." The information is presented in an easy-to-follow outline with examples given...