Grammarly Blog: Italics and Underlining: Titles of Works
An explanation and examples using italics/underlining when writing titles.
Grammarly Blog: Italics and Underlining: Words, Letters, Numbers Gram. Rules
An explanation and examples underlining/italicizing words, letters, and numbers when they refer to themselves.
Grammarly Blog: Hyphen
An explanation of the use of a hyphen and links to specific hyphen usage rules.
Grammarly Blog: What Is a Hyphen?
This page explains what hyphens are, what they can do, and provides examples of their uses.
Grammarly Blog: Hyphen Connecting Words Functioning as an Adjective
Rules and examples for using hyphens when writing compound expressions.
Grammarly Blog: Hyphen With Noun, Adjective or Adverb and Present Participle
Rules and examples for using hyphens when writing compound adjectives ending in a past participle.
Grammarly Blog: Hyphen With Compound Expressions
Rules and examples for using hyphens when writing compound expressions.
Grammarly Blog: Hyphen in Compound Expression With Noun and Past Participle
Rules and examples for using hyphens when writing compound adjectives.
Grammarly Blog: Hyphen in Compound Adjective With Fractions
Rules and examples for using hyphens when writing fractions as compound adjectives.
Grammarly Blog: Hyphen With Prefixes Ex , Self , All
Rules and examples for using a hyphen when adding the prefixes ex-, self-, and all-.
Grammarly Blog: Hyphen With Suffix Elect
Rules and examples for using a hyphen when adding the suffix -elect.
Grammarly Blog: Hyphen Between a Prefix and a Capitalized Word
Rules and examples for using a hyphen between a prefix and a capitalized word.
Grammarly Blog: Hyphenated Compound Words
An explanation and examples of hyphenated compound words.
Grammarly Blog: Starting a Sentence With a Conjunction
An explanation with examples of the capitalization and punctuation rules for beginning a sentence with a conjunction.
Grammarly Blog: Semicolon With Conjunctive Adverbs
Rules and examples for using semicolons with conjunctive adverbs in a compound sentence.
Grammarly Blog: Comma Before Too
This page explains the use of commas to emphasize the word "too" in a sentence; the use of one, two, or no commas depend of the use of "too" and its placement in the sentence.
Grammarly Blog: Quotation Marks in Titles
Rules and examples for using quotation marks correctly when writing titles of short works.
Grammarly Blog: Hyphen With Compound Modifiers
Rules and examples for using hyphens when writing compound modifiers.
Grammarly Blog: Hyphen in Compound Adjective With High or Low
Rules and examples for using a hyphen when adding the prefixes high- or low-.
Grammarly Blog: Hyphen in Compound Adjective With Numbers
Rules and examples for using hyphens when writing numbers that act as compound adjectives.
Grammarly Blog: Ellipsis
This page focuses on the ellipsis including what it is, what it means, how to use it, and examples of its use.
Grammarly Blog: Hyphen in Compound Numbers
Rules and examples for using a hyphen when writing compound numbers. L.11-12.2a Hyphens
Grammarly Blog: Consistent Point of View
This Grammarly Handbook resource reminds students how to write with a consistent point of view. Examples are provided to demonstrate how to fix a sentence that contains an inconsistent point of view.