Unit Plan

Common Lit: Why Does No One Ever Thank Me for the Magna Carta?

For Students 5th - 6th Standards
CommonLit.org is a wonderful resource to use in a Language Arts classroom. Each story or article is accompanied by guided reading questions, assessment questions, and discussion questions. In addition, students can click on words to see...
Unit Plan

Common Lit: Why Afghanistan's "Underground Girls" Skirt Tradition Live as Boys

For Students 7th - 8th Standards
CommonLit.org is a wonderful resource to use in a Language Arts classroom. Each story or article is accompanied by guided reading questions, assessment questions, and discussion questions. In addition, students can click on words to see...
Unit Plan

Common Lit: "The Plymouth Thanksgiving Story" by Chuck Larsen

For Students 5th - 6th Standards
A learning module that begins with "The Plymouth Thanksgiving Story" by Chuck Larsen, accompanied by guided reading questions, assessment questions, and discussion questions. The text can be printed as a PDF or assigned online through...
Unit Plan
Curated OER

Mc Graw Hill: Key Ideas and Details: Use Text Evidence

For Students 5th - 6th Standards
Learn how to analyze primary and secondary sources using text evidence. An example is provided. (Note: Exercises don't load in archived copy.)
Lesson Plan

Cpalms: Classify and Categorize: Using Text Features to Find Information

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
[Free Registration/Login Required] Students will develop research questions, classify information into an outline form, and use the features of nonfiction writing to identify information relevant to a research question.
Unit Plan
Curated OER

Mc Graw Hill: Compare Primary and Secondary Sources

For Students 4th - 9th Standards
Learn how to analyze and compare the relationship between a primary and a secondary source.
Lesson Plan

Common Lit: Units: 6th Grade Poetry Unit: Identity

For Teachers 6th Standards
Complete teaching unit for 6th Grade Poetry Unit: "Identity." Students will read 6 poems that speak to the theme of creating an identity. They will revisit the essential question: "How do we forge an identity?", read thematically-paired...
Lesson Plan

Common Lit: Units: 8th Grade Argumentative Writing Unit: Improving Society

For Teachers 8th Standards
Complete teaching unit for 8th Grade Argumentative Writing Unit: "Improving Society." Students will read six texts about problems in society. Throughout the unit, 8th graders will gather information from their readings in a graphic...
Lesson Plan

Common Lit: Units: 7th Grade Thematic Unit: Happiness

For Teachers 7th Standards
Complete teaching unit for 7th Grade Thematic Unit: "Happiness." Students will read 6 texts that speak to the theme of happiness. Students will revisit the essential question "How we can achieve happiness?" throughout the unit. They will...
Unit Plan

Common Lit: Themes: Resilience & Success: How Does a Person Overcome Adversity?

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
This is a collection of Grade-Leveled texts (3-12) to address the question, "How does a person overcome adversity?" Select a grade level and a collection of on grade-level reading passages on the topic comes up. [Free account...
Unit Plan

Bbc Skillswise: Fact or Opinion

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
As part of the BBC's Skillswise unit, this resource covers the basics of separating fact from opinion through a worksheet, a factsheet, and a quiz.
Unit Plan

Common Lit: Themes: Growing Up: Why Should We Value Our Youth?

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
This is a collection of Grade-Leveled texts (3-12) to address the question, "Why should we value our youth?" Select a grade level and a collection of on grade-level reading passages on the topic comes up. [Free account registration...
Unit Plan

Common Lit: Themes: Education & Knowledge: What Is the Goal of Education?

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
This is a collection of Grade-Leveled texts (3-12) to address the question, "What is the goal of education?" Select a grade level and a collection of on grade-level reading passages on the topic comes up. [Free account registration...

Blackboard: Author's Point of View (Attitude and Tone)

For Students 6th - 8th Standards
Learn about author's attitude and tone, and see examples of tone used to convey nostalgia, cynicism, and sentiment in a text. This is an excellent resource for helping students identify key words and phrases that give clues about the...
Online Writing Lab at Purdue University

Purdue University Owl: Primary Research

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
Learn the difference between primary and secondary research as well as some different types of primary sources that can be used when gathering research.
Online Writing Lab at Purdue University

Purdue University Owl: What Is Primary Research and How Do I Get Started?

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
Learn the difference types of primary sources and how to use them as a part of your research.

Massey University: Vygotsky

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
An introduction to some of the basic concepts of Vygotskyean theory. Sections on higher and lower mental functions, intramental vs. intermental abilities, and the zone of proximal development.
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy: John Dewey

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
Biography and thorough discussion of Dewey's thought, with bibliography at bottom from the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Divides his philosophy into theory of knowledge, metaphysics, ethics, and aesthetics, and then judges his...
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy: The Epistemology of Perception

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
This site from the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy provides a well-written, easy to understand definition of perception, as well as small mention of some of those who first introduced the concept.
Lesson Plan

Pbs Learning Media: Main Idea and Details Cloud

For Teachers 3rd - 7th Standards
Students practice distinguishing between relevant and irrelevant ideas by identifying relevant details in a video segment about a wild horse roundup. Students watch the video, read the transcript, and identify details they believe are...
Lesson Plan
Louisiana Department of Education

Louisiana Doe: Louisiana Believes: English Language Arts: Grade 7: Excerpts From Behind the Scenes

For Teachers 7th Standards
Seventh graders explore a tumultuous period in our country's history during which people questioned political decisions, morals, and social norms. This unit presents opportunities for students to examine different perspectives through...
Professional Doc

Ad lit.org: Classroom Strategies: Selective Highlighting

For Teachers 9th - 10th Standards
Selective Highlighting/Underlining is used to help students organize what they have read by selecting what is important. This strategy teaches students to highlight/underline ONLY the key words, phrases, vocabulary, and ideas that are...

Ad lit.org: Literacy Instruction in the Content Areas: The Core of Improvement

For Teachers 9th - 10th Standards
Every content area, from chemistry to history, has unique literacy demands: texts, knowledge, skills. But how are these critical literacies learned, let alone taught?
Unknown Type
E Reading Worksheets

E Reading Worksheets: Main Idea: Test 1

For Students 6th - 8th Standards
In this reading test focusing on the main idea, students read passages and answer questions concerning the main idea.