Class Flow: Primary Source Interpreting Media Photos
[Free Registration/Login Required] In this flipchart teachers can share primary source photos with students who will take part in an activity to interpret them.
Class Flow: Features of a Newspaper
[Free Registration/Login Required] A flipchart that examines the way in which newspapers and articles are constructed. The end of the flipchart focuses specifically on the battle of Glencoe, but the majority of the flipchart has much...
Class Flow: Cause and Effect With Us History
[Free Registration/Login Required] What is cause and effect? This flipchart explains cause and effect with simple examples leading to more in-depth examples in US history from the Industrial Revolution, immigration, and Westward expansion.
Class Flow: Leads Part Ii
[Free Registration/Login Required] Students will recognize different types of leads and will choose which leads best fit different pieces of writing. This is a part of the process of organizing and revising a piece of writing.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Research Sources: Primary Research
This lesson discusses conducting primary research for a research topic.
What the Industrial Revolution Did for Us
This online companion to a television production in the U.K. contains information about the achievements of the Industrial Revolution. Click the Changing Landscape link to view an interactive map showing how the landscape of Great...
University of Richmond
University of Richmond/peer Editing Strategies
Under the heading "Peer Editing Strategies," you'll find two links, "Do's and Don't of Written Commentary." and "Peer Editing Guide." The first emphasizes being helpful and considerate. The second lists questions to consider when...
Duke University
Duke Libraries: Citing Sources
This resource contains the basic citation information for articles from journals, articles from books, articles from databases, books, newspapers, government publications, and web sites. Students can click on one of theses publications...
Siteseen: American Historama: Railroads in the 1800s
Learn details of the fascinating history of the early American railroads in the 1800s including their invention, their expansion, significance, and their impact on the transportation system of America.
Ducksters: Biography for Kids: John D. Rockefeller
Kids learn about the biography of entrepreneur John D. Rockefeller including his early life, building standard oil, business monopoly, fun facts, and charitable giving on this website.
A Classification of American Wealth: America in the Gilded Age
This site's section, which is part of a larger article on the Gilded Age, focuses on the railroad which began to grow in the latter half of the nineteenth century.
Siteseen: American Historama: Bessemer Process
Provides a summary and detailed facts about Henry Bessemer who invents a process in 1855 to create steel from iron.
Wikipedia: Secondary Source
This brief Wikipedia encyclopedia article explains the difference between primary and secondary sources.