Humanities Texas

Primary Source Worksheet: Abraham Lincoln, Second Inaugural Address

For Students 8th - 11th Standards
Your young historians will be intrigued to read and analyze Abraham Lincoln's second inaugural address, which discusses the president's take on the causes of the Civil War and connections between the North and the South.
Humanities Texas

Primary Source Worksheet: General Washington, Letter Declaring Acceptance of the Command of the Armies of the United States

For Students 8th - 11th Standards
Discover what influenced president George Washington's decision in his early career to command the United States army by analyzing his formal acceptance with this primary source analysis instructional activity.
Humanities Texas

Primary Source Worksheet: Abraham Lincoln, Letter to General William T. Sherman

For Students 8th - 11th Standards
A brief letter can speak volumes. Your young historians will analyze a letter written by Abraham Lincoln to General Sherman, and discover the significance of the capture of Savannah, as well as gain insight into Lincoln's role as...
Humanities Texas

Primary Source Worksheet: Abraham Lincoln, Letter to Horace Greeley

For Students 8th - 11th Standards
Through close analysis of a primary source document and discussion questions, learners gain great insight into how Abraham Lincoln viewed his duties as president of the United States, as well as his response to those who criticized...
Humanities Texas

Primary Source Worksheet: George Washington, Farewell Address

For Students 8th - 11th Standards
Invite your young historians to consider how the first president of the United States envisioned the future of the new nation with this primary source analysis worksheet on George Washington's Farewell Address.
Humanities Texas

Primary Source Worksheet: Letter from George Washington to the Cabinet

For Students 8th - 11th Standards
Analyze the significance of George Washington's letter to his cabinet in which he sets forth a tradition of neutrality in wartime for the United States.

How Did the Unification of Germany Change the Course of World History?

For Students 10th - 12th Standards
Here you'll find a nice guided notes instructional activity on Otto von Bismarck, which details Bismarck's plan to unify Germany, as well as asks learners to analyze his motivations and overall impact.
Lesson Plan
The New York Times

The Horror! The Horror!

For Teachers 8th - 12th Standards
Gear up for Halloween by studying the horror genre with your class and analyzing films and texts to uncover the genre's traditional conventions.
Curated OER

Current Events Rubric

For Teachers 7th - 12th Standards
Here is a rubric that can be used for your next current event assignment. It details what should be included in each paragraph of the event description and analysis, as well as other requirements for work habits and presentation.
GCSE Modern World History

Mao's China

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
Here is a great textbook chapter on China's establishment as a communist state in 1949 and the effects of World War II on the nation. The first page prompts learners to complete a timeline activity as they read the material,...
Lesson Plan
North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics

Henry Kissinger and Detente

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
How did relations between the United States and the People's Republic of China evolve between 1950 and 1970? Your young historians will complete a timeline of events with evidence that the relationship between these two great...
Student Handouts

Working with Primary Sources: The Spanish-American War

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
Examine the introduction to Our Islands in Their People, written by Major-General Joseph Wheeler. The excerpt, which is about two-and-a-half pages long, is included here along with six questions about the text. Pupils can learn about the...
Student Handouts

Comparing Countries’ Constitutions

For Students 10th - 12th Standards
Analyze the constitutions of five different countries and see how they relate to each country's culture and traditions. Pupils read the preambles to the constitutions of India, Ireland, Russia, Suriname, and the United States. After...
Population Education

Population Map

For Teachers 7th - 12th Standards
Here is a very interesting graphic of a world map where each country's size is adjusted accordingly to its population. The bottom row of the document also includes several maps depicting the major shifts and growth of the world...
Curated OER

Did Napoleon Uphold or Betray the Goals of the Revolution?

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
Walk your learners through constructing a well-formulated argument on Napoleon's dedication to the goals of the French Revolution. 
Curated OER

Travel Scrapbook/Blog

For Teachers 8th - 10th Standards
Your young historians will design an ongoing travel scrapbook or blog as they learn about the major locations that have impacted the development of democracy in the world, including ancient Rome,...
Lesson Plan
University of Chicago

Gender Roles in Ancient Egyptian Society

For Teachers 9th - 10th Standards
After reading about the legal status of women in the Old Kingdom of ancient Egypt and doing some additional research, your young historians will work in groups to develop short skits that reflect a typical gender-role related scenario...

The 6 C's of Primary Source Analysis

For Students 7th - 12th Standards
Arm your class members with the six C's of primary source analysis—content, citation, context, connections, communication, and conclusions—and help them to establish a solid system for analyzing historical sources of...
Lesson Plan
University of Chicago

What IS the Difference Between Sunni and Shi'ite Muslims?

For Teachers 8th - 12th Standards
The distinction between Shiite and Sunni Muslims is an often misunderstood concept, yet very important for its implications in global affairs and for a more comprehensive understanding of the religion of Islam.
Lesson Plan
University of Chicago

Exercise in Conflict Resolution

For Teachers 10th - 12th Standards
How do major religions, including Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, differ in how they view the role of individual freedoms within society, the definition of morality, and the importance of politically satisfying the greater...
We are Teachers

Read Like a Detective

For Teachers 1st - 12th Standards
Encourage your young readers to become true detectives in their next literary adventure! Here you'll find an attractive display that will prompt your learners to constantly be looking for clues, asking questions, making cases...
Lesson Plan
Center for Civic Education

Citizenship Schools and Civic Education During the Civil Rights Movement and in the Present

For Teachers 6th - 12th Standards
Your young historians will discover the importance that citizenship education has played in the social progress of the United States as they learn about early efforts to discourage African Americans from voting in the 1960s.
Lesson Plan
Center for Civic Education

The Power of Nonviolence: Music Can Change the World

For Teachers 6th - 12th Standards
Here is a fantastic activity through which class members discover how music has the ability to influence others in a meaningful way. After reviewing selected pieces and modern-day protest songs, learners will research other songs that...
Lesson Plan
Federal Reserve Bank

The Fed’s Toolbox

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
This instructional activity is packed with instructional material and activities on the Federal Reserve System, monetary policy, and the relationship between bank reserves, interest rates, employment, and price stability.