How the Language Works: Fiction
This article discusses the characteristics of fiction and the expectations that readers have.
How the Language Really Works: Novels and Stories
This brief article explains perspective, types of narrators, and the elements of fiction.
Gallaudet University: Reading and Mapping
Learn strategies for reading and mapping. This link offers important tips on improving test taking skills. Includes a PDF (requires Adobe Reader).
Education Atlas: Study Skills: A Strategy for Reading Textbooks
This resource presents an overview of a textbook-reading method called SQRW, survey, question, read, and write, with a paragraph of text describing each step.
Ducksters: Quiz: Cold War Glossary and Terms for Kids
History Questions: Glossary and Terms Quiz, Test, and WebQuest
Ducksters: Quiz: Sumerian Writing and Cuneiform for Kids
History Questions: Sumerian Writing and Cuneiform Quiz, Test, and WebQuest
Ducksters: History: Renaissance for Kids
Kids learn about the events and timeline of the European Renaissance in history on this site. Learn about the rebirth in science, art, philosophy, and literature.
Ducksters: Renaissance for Kids: Glossary and Terms
Kids learn about the glossary and terms of the European Renaissance. Words and definitions you need to know.
EL Education
El Education: Nautical Expedition Ships Log
After spending three days as a working crew on a three-masted ship, and learning to navigate by the stars, students create fictional entries for a ship's log throughout various periods in history.
Stephen Byrne
History for Kids: Ancient Roman Literature
History for kids provides and overview of the literature and authors of ancient Rome, whose works we still read and value today. Site includes teacher resources.
TES Global
Blendspace: The Roaring 20's
A learning module with thirteen links to texts, images, and videos, with information about life during the 1920's. RI.9-10.7 different mediums
Mind Tools
Mind Tools: Reading Strategies
This site from Mind Tools reviews six different strategies to help you read more effectively. RI.11-12.10a Text Complexity
E Reading Worksheets
E Reading Worksheets: English Worksheets and Tests
Downloadable worksheets and tests focusing on reading, figurative language, genre, language arts, point of view, and text structure for middle grades.
Ad lit.org: Classroom Strategies: Reading Guides
Reading Guides help students navigate reading material, especially difficult textbook chapters or technical reading. Students respond to a teacher-created written guide of prompts as they read an assigned text. Reading Guides help...
English Zone
English Zone: Main Page
This site lists links to an assortment of reading-related activities.
Washington State University
Washington State University: Timeline of American Literature and Events: 1830s
A brief timeline which includes American literature and American historical events. Ranges from 1830 to 1839. Includes the first co-educational college, Oberlin College. Hyperlinks to various authors of the period.
Historical Narratives
Here, you can read historical narratives spanning from 1791 to 1850. RL.11-12.10a/b Text Complexity
Daily Teaching Tools
Daily Teaching Tools: Reader Response Quest. To Focus and Reflect on Literature
Daily Teaching Tools provides nineteen reading response prompts for fiction and six reading response prompts for nonfiction. W.11-12.9a Amer Lit 18th,19th, 20th cen/Analy
Daily Teaching Tools
Daily Teaching Tools: Academic Tips to Help Kids Learn to Be Effective Students
A teaching resource with information and downloadable handouts on various study skills including the following: Coming to Class Prepared, Student Planers, Good Listening in Class, Taking Notes in Class, Using Acronyms to Remember...
Daily Teaching Tools
Daily Teaching Tools: Academic Tips to Help Kids Learn to Be Effective Students
A teaching resource with information and downloadable handouts on various study skills including the following: Coming to Class Prepared, Student Planers, Good Listening in Class, Taking Notes in Class, Using Acronyms to Remember...
Prezi: What Is Complex Literature?
This Prezi was created by Marko Zlomislic. The presentation explains what constitutes complex literature. It defines complex texts, discusses the varied benefits of learning to read them, and provides links to lesson plans and examples....
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Holt, Rinehart and Winston: Elements of Literature: The Elements of Nonfiction [Pdf]
A short learning exercise which allows students to improve their understanding of the elements of nonfiction literature. Provides eight questions and allows students to craft responses for a given literary text.
Teaching Channel
Teaching Channel: Exploring Poetic Elements
This is a teacher demonstrating and discussing teaching students poetic elements: learning the literary terms, their definitions, and how to apply the information when analyzing poetry.