Towson University
Towson University: Ows: Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms
This page focuses on Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Initialisms including definitions for each. It also provides links to lists of abbreviations, etc. by category including Titles of Literary Works, Books of the Bible, Legal Terms and...
Ted Nellen
Cyber English (By Ted Nellen): Kennings
This is a glossary entry for the term "Kennings" including multiple definitions and examples including links to more examples.
University of Washington
Mary Nell's Summary on Agreement
Excellent summaries in table form of agreement issues, particularly those involving subjects and verbs.
The New Sat: Language of the Test List #1
This site contains a list of 25 words from the directions and the questions on the New SAT. Teachers can digitally assign this list to their students to reinforce the spellings, pronunciations, and meanings of these words.
Cambridge Rindge & Latin School
Cambridge Rindge & Latin School: Listing Key Words
This tip sheet offers questions and examples of how to develop key words to use in your research.
English Club
English Club: Abbreviations: Initialisms
This EnglishClub tutorial defines the term initialism, a type of abbreviation, and then provides several examples of initialisms.
Vocabulary University
My List of Themes for Health, Nutrition & Pe
This is a list of interactive vocabulary activities based on health, nutrition, and fitness.
Vocabulary University
My List of Themes for Performing Arts & Fine Arts
This is a list of interactive vocabulary activites for performing and fine arts.
Vocabulary University
My List of Themes for Science & Math
This is a list of interactive vocabulary activities for science and math.
Vocabulary University
My List of Themes for Social Studies & History
This is a list of interactive vocabulary activities for social studies and history.
Vocabulary University
My List of Themes for Sports
This is a list of interactive vocabulary activities for sports.
Vocabulary University
My Vocabulary Word List for Science
This page offers vocabulary over 50 word lists pertaining to Science.
Vocabulary University
My Biology and Insects
This is a list of 60 words used in a variety of vocabulary puzzles and activities on the theme of Biology and Insects.
Vocabulary University
My Chemistry
This is a list of 90 words on the theme of Chemistry used in a variety of vocabulary puzzles and activities.
Vocabulary University
My Holocaust
This is a collection of vocabulary puzzles and activities using a list of 16 vocabulary words pertaining to the Holocaust. It also provides an extensive wordlist on the topic (368).
Vocabulary University
My Elections, Word List & Cliches
This is a variety of vocabulary puzzles and activities using 60 vocabulary words pertaining to elections. It also offers an extensive Vocabulary Word List for Election (393) and a list of election cliches.
Vocabulary University
My Bill of Rights: u.s. Constitution
This page has some puzzles and activities using terms from the Bill of Rights and the U.S. Constitution. It also provides an extensive word list pertaining to the Constitution.
Vocabulary University
My Biology and Cells
This page has a variety of vocabulary puzzles and activities using 15 vocabulary words pertaining to Biology and Cells. It also offers an extensive vocabulary word list for biology.
Vocabulary University
My Oceans
This page has a variety of vocabulary puzzles and activities using 20 vocabulary words pertaining to oceans. It also offers an extensive list of ocean and maritime vocabulary and some lesson plan ideas.
Read Write Think: Common Content Area Roots and Affixes
This table offers 50 or so common roots, prefixes, and suffixes, their definitions, and sample words in the content areas. L.9-10.4b Patterns/word changes
English Club
English Club: Abbreviations Quiz
An interactive abbreviations assessment is found on this page. Acronym, initialism, and contraction concepts are included on this assessment.
Acronym Finder: Abbreviations and Acronyms Dictionary
Journalists are inundated with acronyms. This site contains 240,000 of them and their meanings. Search tool allows you to enter the exact acronym or the first letter. You can even enter a keyword and look for acronyms that include it....
Grammarly Blog: Abbreviations
This site focuses on abbreviations including definitions, acronyms and initialisms, abbreviations for courtesy titles and academic degrees, Latin abbreviations, and other common abbreviations including time and dates, places, and units...
University of Toronto (Canada)
University of Toronto: Subject Verb Agreement
Site provides some different rules applying to subject-verb agreement, especially in cases of "expressions of quantity." Excellent information for students looking to hone their craft of writing.