Law.com: Dictionary
This site provides an online dictionary of legal terms that you can use by looking up words or definitions.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Business Writing Basics
In this slide show tutorial, students will review basics in writing memos in the context of a business setting. The author emphasizes that the purpose, style, format, and organization need attention when writing a memo.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Abbreviations
This lesson focuses on abbreviations including an introduction to abbreviations with examples, why they are used, links to abbreviation activities, and a summary of the abbreviation information in text format. It also provides a...
Designing a Readable User Manual
An article with information and strategies for technical document writing. More article under "Resources".
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Linguistic Roots and Affixes (English Ii Reading)
[Accessible by TX Educators. Free Registration/Login Required] You will be able to recognize linguistic roots and affixes to use in determining the meaning of academic English word and in other content areas.
Lumen Learning
Lumen: Critical Reading: Specialized Reading Strategies
This lesson focuses on specialized reading strategies such as online reading, reading in math, science, etc., and reading charts and graphs. It provides text, videos, charts and graphs, graphics, and a self-check.
Online Writing Lab at Purdue University
Purdue University Owl: Model for Writing a Request for Further Negotiations
A brief guide to writing a formal business request for further communication/negotiation with a potential employer.
Online Writing Lab at Purdue University
Purdue University Owl: Writing Definitions
This handout focuses on writing definitions including the three parts: term, class, and differentiating characteristics. It also explains when you need to use definitions and some additional tips for writing definitions.
Lumen Learning
Lumen: Rhetorical Reading: Intro to Vocabulary Building Reading Strategies
This article explains in general how to build vocabulary using reading strategies such as context clues.
Lumen Learning
Lumen: Rhetorical Reading: Read Strategically: Diversify Your Vocabulary
This lesson focuses on strategies to diversify and retain new vocabularies such as reading a variety of types of writing and learning roots, suffixes, prefixes, and the etymology of words.
Wisc Online: Special Nouns
In this learning module, students review abstract nouns referring to qualities, ideas, and emotions.
University of Toronto (Canada)
University of Toronto: Engineering Communication Program: Memos
This site shows exactly how to write a memo. The site talks about the components to use: header, purpose, summary, discussion, action.
Thinkport Education
Thinkport: Vocabulary Analysis: Domain Specific Vocabulary: Stellar Evolution
In this science-themed literacy lesson, students determine the meaning of domain-specific vocabulary. W.9-10.2d lang/voc
Study.com: Using Precise Language & Vocabulary in Informative Texts
This instructional activity focuses on using precise language in informative texts. It defines precise text and discusses how to use precise language. W.9-10.2d lang/voc, W.11-12.2d Lang/Fig/Voc
University of North Carolina
University of North Carolina: The Writing Center: Scientific Reports
A handout exploring how to complete a scientific report based on scientific research. The site describes the sections needed as well as how to insert graphs and tables.
English Club
English Club: Abbreviations: Shortenings
This EnglishClub reference page provides the definition for "abbreviation" and then provides a chart with examples of abbreviations.
Online Writing Lab at Purdue University
Purdue University Owl: High Order Concerns (Ho Cs) for Business Writing
A great reference when writing business messages or letters. Discusses the most important issues involved in business writing and an organizational system for them.
Online Writing Lab at Purdue University
Purdue University Owl: Parallel Structure in Professional Writing
A good reference to consider when writing professionally (as in business/technical writing). Includes brief structural examples.
Ted Nellen
Cyber English (By Ted Nellen): Periodic Structure
This is a glossary entry for the term "Periodic Structure" including the definition and an example.
Robin L. Simmons
Grammar Bytes: Subject
Clear information about sentence subject, including definition, explanation of how to find subject, distinction between complete subject and simple subject, and other helpful points.
Webfoot.com: A Beginner's Guide to Effective Email Page Layout
This website focuses on page layout and more specifically the length of paragraphs and lines as found in emails.
Technical Writing: The Conjunction Or
Intended as a grammar reference for electrical engineers, this site addresses many of the technical issues of writing, including distinguishing between the inclusive and exclusive definitions of "or."
Writing for Business and Pleasure: Eliminate Wordiness to Write With Power
This how-to site gives writing tips for business writing. Brief explanations are provided for how to revise writing to ensure that redundant pairs, redundant modifiers, redundance categories, meaningless modifiers, and wordy expressions...
English Club
English Club: Learn English: Grammar Terms
A glossary of grammar and linguistic terms along with definitions, example sentences, and links to additional information.