Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Annotate and Analyze a Paired Passage: Practice 1
In this lesson, you will read and annotate a pair of texts to make inferences, draw conclusions, and synthesize ideas and details using textual evidence. You are going to look at two texts together to better understand them.
Edutopia: Common Core in Action: 10 Visual Literacy Strategies
Explicitly teach a collection of competencies that will help students think through, think about, and think with pictures.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Organizing Information Quick Guide
Organizing information questions ask you to understand and analyze how a passage works to make an argument. What is the progression of ideas in the passage? or What is the purpose of a specific paragraph?
Louisiana Department of Education
Louisiana Doe: Louisiana Believes: Creating Text Sets for Whole Class Instruction
Learn what makes a strong English language arts (ELA) curriculum by creating text sets for the whole-class instruction.
Ad lit.org: Classroom Strategies: Question Answer Relationship (Qar)
Question-Answer relationship (QAR) is a strategy to be used after students have read. QAR teaches students how to decipher what types of questions they are being asked and where to find the answers to them. Four types of questions are...
ACT360 Media
Writing Den: Classification Paragraphs
These tips and phrases can help you create a classification paragraph.
How the Language Really Works: Restatement
Choosing when to read for simple comprehension is the focus of this brief article.
Leaf Group
E How: How to Write a Method Section for an Apa Style Paper
An explanation of how to write a section for a paper dealing with the methodology of a study in APA style.
Mind Tools
Mind Tools: Reading Strategies
This site from Mind Tools reviews six different strategies to help you read more effectively. RI.11-12.10a Text Complexity
Leaf Group
E How: Discover: How to Write a Statistical Paper
An explanation of how to write a paper that reports statistical information and analysis.
Leaf Group
Classroom: How to Write a Research Paper the Easy Way
An explanation of the easiest, most effective way to write a research paper.
Mantex: Tutorials: What Is Close Reading?
This site discusses the four types of reading: Linguistic, Semantic, Structural, and Cultural and offers a detailed example of close reading. RL.11-12.3 Auth choice story elem, RL.11-12.5 Choice of Text Structure
Quizlet: Types of Supporting Details: Definitions: Learn
This interactive helps students learn the types of supporting details by having them type in the terms that fit the definitions.
Quizlet: Types of Supporting Details: Definitions: Flashcards
This interactive set of flashcards focuses on the definitions for types of supporting details such as statements of fact, expert testimony, first-hand accounts, personal experiences, statistics, analogies, etc.
Quizlet: Text Structure: Test
This interactive test features six matching and six multiple choice questions having to do with text structure and organizational patterns.
Quizlet: Text Structure: Match
In this interactive game, students match the types of text structure to their definitions.