The Tongue Untied
The Tongue Untied: Clauses: The Basics
This page, from a site for University of Oregon journalism students, provides definitions of a clause, an independent clause, and a dependent clause as well as some brief instructions on their uses. The page seems to contain some...
City University of New York
Writesite: Clauses
Grammar and writing tutorial defines clause, independent clause, and dependent clause and provides exercises.
Capital Community College Foundation
Guide to Grammar and Writing: Paragraph Development
This site from the Capital Community College helps with paragraph development and topic sentences.
SUNY Empire State College
Key Terms in Academic Writing: Key Terms in Academic Writing
This site offers a clear definition of what is expected in a definition essay. It also provides a link to a sample paper, with instructor's comments, as well as a link to the Purdue University On-Line Writing Lab.
Towson University
Towson University: Online Writing Support: Elements of Sentence Construction
This entry focuses on the Elements of Sentence Construction including subjects and predicates, phrases and clauses, compound sentence elements, and avoiding fragments, run-ons, and fused sentences.
Towson University
Towson University: Distinguishing Between Adverbials and Adjectivals Exercise 4
This is a 20-question, self-grading quiz/exercise on Distinguishing between Adverbials and Adjectivals.
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Purposeful Paragraphs on Memorable Teachers [Pdf]
How can we use questioning to create lead sentences and details in order to create a purposeful paragraph? This PDF lesson offers an organization technique that asks learners to pre-plan paragraphs by brainstorming interesting questions...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Teaching Students to Compose a Power Paragraph [Pdf]
This PDF lesson, POWER PARAGRAPH, focuses on analysis and will also help learners to understand structure in a paragraph. The "power" concept teaches the students to organize their sentences according to different levels of importance....
ACT360 Media
Writing Den: Paragraphs
How do you write a paragraph? Use this site to learn more about the different parts of a paragraph.
Writing More Persuasively
This site is very thorough, and offers two printable .pdf pages of some important points.
Critical Reading: Subject and Predicate
Part of a larger site on "The Fundamentals of Critical Reading and Effective Writing," this section on the simple sentence focuses on the subject and the predicate. Definitions and examples are provided along with a section on...
Troubleshooting Sentences
This site presents in chart form a list of common sentence problems with possible solutions offered. A couple additional links are provided for further information.
Wilfrid Laurier University: Paragraph Writing [Pdf]
This site from the Wilfrid Laurier University provides a complete guide to paragraph writing. Contains many examples along with details and structures that are often left out when students write.
Grammarly Handbook: Introduction and Conclusion
Explanations and examples of writing introductions and conclusions.
Cayuga Community College: Clauses, Phrases, and Commas [Pdf]
Learn about phrases, dependent and independent clauses, and how to use commas appropriately with clauses and phrases.
Glendale College: Structure of the Five Paragraph Essay
This website from the Glendale Community College shows the structure of five paragraph essays and the elements within the paragraphs (motivator, thesis sentence, topic sentence, specific support, reworded thesis, clincher). Gives...
TES Global
Blendspace: Sentence Writing
This five-part learning module provides assorted references for sentence writing. This blendspace provides video writing tasks, resource sheets, and reference page links. Most of the spaces relate to writing compound and complex sentences.
Tom Richey
Slide Share: Argument and Persuasion
A slide show with fourteen slides with notes, tips, and examples on how to write a persuasive essay.
Capital Community College Foundation
Guide to Grammar and Writing: Clauses: The Essential Building Blocks
Online PowerPoint writing tutorial on the subject of clauses in sentences. L.9-10.1b Phrases/Clauses
Indiana University
Indiana University: Writing Services: Incorporating Evidence Into Your Essay
This handout explores how to effectively incorporate evidence to support your claims into your paper. It provides weak and strong examples to show effective ways to incorporate evidence clearly and cohesively. W.9-10.1c...
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Concluding Transition Words
A screencast lesson [2 mins, 32 secs] introducing transition words used to conclude an idea and providing examples of how to use such transitions in concluding sentences. W.11-12.1c Transitions/Cohesion CCSS.ELA-Literacy.WHST.6-8.2.c
University of Ottawa (Canada)
University of Ottawa: Hyper Grammar: Building Clauses
This online grammar guide provides a definition of clauses and how they function in sentences.
Instruct Uwo: Module 6 Sentence Structure and Style
This site discusses several characteristics of writing: coordination, subordination, parallelism, and sentence variety. Each section includes a brief discussion with examples. There are also quizzes and additional links for each section.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Effective Introduction and Conclusion Sentence Structure Variety
Write effective introductions and conclusions with a controlling idea or thesis, using a variety of sentence patterns.