Class Flow: Writing a Report or Essay
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart is intended for grades 3-5 and outlines the steps in writing a report or essay.
Class Flow: Fact and Opinion
[Free Registration/Login Required] Designed for grade 6, this flipchart covers the differences between fact and opinion. Students will analyze statements to determine if they are a fact or if they are an opinion.
Class Flow: Fact or Opinion
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart reviews the definitions of fact and opinion and gives the students opportunities to sort and identify fact and opinion statements.
Class Flow: Fact or Opinion
[Free Registration/Login Required] Students will be introduced to the difference between facts and opinions. They will practice determining which statements are facts and which are opinions. Activities include sorting and classifying...
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Common Issues With Conclusions
This lesson goes over common issues in conclusions.
Teaching and Learning Resources for Ks2 (Ages 7 12):literacy: Fact or Opinion?
This is a 10 question, self-scoring quiz on separating fact from opinion. Students read a sentence and select "fact" or "opinion" from the drop-down menu.
Bbc Bitesize Revision: Observation
As part of a revision and writing section of BBC Bitesize, this site goes over several tips of general advice to keep in mind when writing about observations (as part of descriptive writing).
The History Cat
The History Cat: How to Write a Quality Cer (Claim Evidence Reasoning) [Ppt]
Presents an assignment where students must write an essay that includes a thesis statement, claims, evidence, reasoning, and a conclusion. Each of these is explained in the slideshow and a written example is provided.
Quizlet: Making Inferences (Nonfiction)
Build your nonfiction inference vocabulary by interacting with terms like lesson, data, schema, sources, and more. Choose to view flashcards, complete learning and spelling exercises, take a test, or play a matching or gravity game.
Quizlet: Claim & Support: Learn
In this interactive activity, students type in the correct vocabulary words relating to argumentative writing claims and support.
Quizlet: Types of Details: Test
This interactive quiz features six multiple-choice questions about types of details and their definitions.
Quizlet: Types of Details: Flashcards
This is a set of interactive flashcards defining words that have to do with details in writing: supporting details, facts, opinion, examples, anecdotes, and statistics.
Sam Houston State University
Texas Center for Academic Excellence: Drawing Conclusions Post Test
Read a text selection, and then answer seven multiple-choice quiz questions. Includes link to answers for checking.
Wikipedia: Secondary Source
This brief Wikipedia encyclopedia article explains the difference between primary and secondary sources.
Examples of Persuasive Business Writing
Web page offering brief examples of effective persuasion in business writing. The message here is: convince your audience that your product is perfect for them.