E Reading Worksheets

E Reading Worksheets: Research Paper Topics

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
This Ereading article discusses the importance of choosing the "right" research topic. Afterwards, 101 possible research paper topics are listed. W.11-12.7 Research
Lesson Plan
Utah Education Network

Uen: Lesson Plan: Text Structures in Science Writing

For Teachers 6th - 8th Standards
Lesson for teaching middle schoolers to identify components of scientific texts and to use similar structures in their own scientific writing.
Free Management Library

Free Management Library: Basic Business Research Methods

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
A comprehensive resource that details research methods and interview designs along with information on how to conduct a focus group.
Read Works

Read Works: Great Lakes

For Teachers 6th Standards
[Free Registration/Login Required] Students read about environmental issues causing problems for the Great Lakes. A question sheet is available to help students build skills in drawing conclusions.

Scholastic: Informational Text: Reading Response: Claim Evldence Reasoning [Pdf]

For Teachers 9th - 10th Standards
This graphic organizer can be used with students when they read informational text. Students will identify a claim, list text evidence that supports the claim, and explain how the information can be used for their future understanding of...
Rice University

Rice University: Writing Research Papers

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
This site presents information about the necessary parts of a scientific research report. It also contains a sample abstract and introduction.
Unit Plan
Texas Education Agency

Texas Gateway: Synthesize Ideas and Details in Several Texts (English I Reading)

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
Synthesize ideas and details in texts and support the connections with textual evidence.
Unit Plan
Texas Education Agency

Texas Gateway: Annotate and Analyze a Paired Passage: Practice 2

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
Read and annotate paired texts in order to make inferences, draw conclusions, and synthesize ideas and details using textual evidence.
Unit Plan
Texas Education Agency

Texas Gateway: Annotate and Analyze a Paired Passage: Practice 1

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
Read and annotate paired texts in order to make inferences, draw conclusions, and synthesize ideas and details using textual evidence.
Unit Plan
Texas Education Agency

Texas Gateway: Analyze an Argument: Practice 1 (English I Reading)

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
Analyze the quality, relevance, and credibility of evidence that supports or opposes an argument.
Unit Plan
Texas Education Agency

Texas Gateway: Revising the Persuasive Essay: Thesis Supported by Evidence

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
[Accessible by TX Educators. Free Registration/Login Required] Learn strategies for evaluating and revising the thesis and supporting evidence in an essay.

Learning and Tutoring Center: Literary Analysis Thesis [Pdf]

For Students 6th - 8th Standards
Learn how to write a literary analysis thesis. [PDF]
University of North Carolina

University of North Carolina: The Writing Center: Scientific Reports

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
A handout exploring how to complete a scientific report based on scientific research. The site describes the sections needed as well as how to insert graphs and tables.
Texas Education Agency

Texas Gateway: Annotate and Analyze a Paired Passage: Practice 2

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
[Accessible by TX Educators. Free Registration/Login Required] In this lesson, you will read and annotate a pair of texts to make inferences, draw conclusions, and synthesize ideas and details using textual evidence.
Texas Education Agency

Texas Gateway: Annotate and Analyze a Paired Passage: Practice 1

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
In this lesson, you will read and annotate a pair of texts to make inferences, draw conclusions, and synthesize ideas and details using textual evidence. You are going to look at two texts together to better understand them.
Unit Plan
Texas Education Agency

Texas Gateway: Analyze Various Texts With Similar Themes

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
In this lesson, you will make inferences and draw conclusions about similar themes across various genres by finding supporting evidence within each of the texts. This task will require you to use your analytical reading skills, and it...
Online Writing Lab at Purdue University

Purdue University Owl: Writing a Research Paper

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
This resource provides many links to information on writing research papers.
Online Writing Lab at Purdue University

Purdue University Owl: Writing a Research Paper

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
This resource provides many links to information on writing research papers.

Hickman Community Charter District: Informative Writing

For Students 3rd - 8th Standards
Sample topics in informative writing for K-3rd grades and 4th-8th grades. CSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.W.2. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.WHST.6-8.9 Draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.

Mr Behm: Claim, Reason, & Evidence

For Students 6th - 9th Standards
Improve your writing skills by learning about claim (argument), reason (logical support), and evidence (proof). CCSS.ELA-Literacy.WHST.6-8.9 Draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.

How to Study: Ten Steps to a Good Research Paper

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
This webpage describes how to use index cards for writing a term paper or research paper, as well as other clear steps to follow to improve research writing.
Sophia Learning

Sophia: Analytical Paper: Key Elements: Lesson 2

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
This lesson goes over words, phrases, and key elements that are included in analytical papers. W.11-12.4 Clear/Coherent Writing
Sophia Learning

Sophia: Analytical Paper: Organization: Lesson 2

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
This lesson discusses structuring an outline for an analytical paper. It is 2 of 2 in the series titled "Analytical Paper: Organization."
Sophia Learning

Sophia: Analytical Paper: Thesis: Lesson 2

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
This lesson discusses selecting a thesis for an analytical paper. It is 2 of 2 in the series titled "Analytical Paper: Thesis."