Sophia Learning
Sophia: Conclusions
A screencast lesson defining a conclusion and discussing how to write an effective conclusion. Students learn the traditional conclusion format as well as other formats that may better fit a writer's topic and purpose. Includes a section...
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Wrangling Research, Apa Style
An overview of the purpose and rules of APA guidelines. Includes a slideshow tutorial and video on formatting the document in MS Word 2007. Additional resources are also listed. [0:32]
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Argumentative Papers: Organization
This lesson focuses on the organization of argumentative papers and developing an outline for them. It begins with topic, stance, and thesis statement; next one lists each claim in order of appearance in a paper and two different...
University of Victoria (Canada)
The U Vic Writer's Guide: Writing Essays: Essay Conclusions
Explains the purpose of the conclusion and how it relates to the thesis and introduction of the essay.
Mo Dept. Of Ed.: Writing Essays (Expository) (Lesson)
Lesson plan designed for seventh graders. Students write expository essays that include details, facts, and examples. Includes prewriting handouts, some example paragraphs, some example prompts, and a scoring guide.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Writing an Argument Paper
In this slideshow tutorial, students will review how to write an argument paper. Students will review the parts of the argument paper, which include the thesis, claim, support, and counterarguments. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.W.1, W.11-12.1a...
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Paper Writing: Introduction, Body, Conclusion
This site shows students how to write an introduction, body, and conclusion to create a complete paper. Students see examples of two different types of introductions, get ideas for attention grabbers, gain understanding of the type of...
The Write Place
Literacy Education Online: Writing Conclusions Strategies
This site explains what a conclusion should do and gives strategies and suggestions for accomplishing that end. Includes examples. W.9-10.1e & W.9-10.2f, w.9-10.3e Conclusion, W.11-12.2f Conclusion
Rice University
Rice University: Writing Research Papers
This site presents information about the necessary parts of a scientific research report. It also contains a sample abstract and introduction.
University of North Carolina
Articles: The Writing Center
What is an article? Explore the world of articles when you visit this informative resource. Students and teachers can brush up on their knowledge of these tiny but important words.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Revising for Effective Introductions and Conclusions
[Accessible by TX Educators. Free Registration/Login Required] Learn strategies for evaluating and revising an introduction, conclusion, and controlling idea or thesis in an essay.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Thesis and Support in the Persuasive Essay (English I Writing)
[Accessible by TX Educators. Free Registration/Login Required] Write an essay that includes a clear thesis and supporting evidence.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Effective Introduction and Conclusion Sentence Structure Variety
Write effective introductions and conclusions with a controlling idea or thesis, using a variety of sentence patterns.
Online Writing Lab at Purdue University
Purdue University Owl: Introductions, Body Paragraphs, and Conclusions
This handout focuses on what an exploratory or inquiry paper is and how to write the introduction including the questions you need to answer and setting the context, stating why the main idea is important, and stating your research...
University of North Carolina
University of North Carolina: Writing Center Tips & Tools
The documents and videos collected here touch on most aspects of good academci writing, and all aspects of the writing process. Students can choose from the many topics to address the specific skill or concept they need to master.
W. W. Norton
W. W. Norton & Company: Lit Web: Types and Functions of Secondary Sources
Information about secondary sources as they are used when writing a research essay.
W. W. Norton
W.w. Norton & Company: Elements of the Essay: Thesis
An explanation and examples of interpretive claims and evaluative claims in a thesis statement. Click on list on the right for more information about elements of the essay.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Reference Materials: Printed and Electronic (English Ii Reading)
This lesson focuses on using resources such as dictionaries, thesauruses (or thesauri), and glossaries to find and use words that will improve not only your reading skills but also your writing skills. L.11-12.4c References
Cambridge Rindge & Latin School
Cambridge Rindge & Latin School: Research Paper: Writing a Conclusion
An excellent tip sheet on how to write and develop a conclusion to a research paper. Includes in-depth information and examples.
University of Wisconsin
University of Wisconsin: Writing Center: Formatting Science Reports
This site outlines the necessary elements of a scientific report. The site is broken down into the follow segments: title, abstract, introduction, methods, results, and discussion. Within each section is a contents section as well as a...
University of North Carolina
University of North Carolina: The Writing Center: Conclusions
Offers strategies for writing conclusions, things to avoid, and examples of effective conclusions.
Harvard University
Harvard Univ.: Harvard College Writing Center: Ending the Essay: Conclusions
This resource teaches how to write a conclusion for an essay. Also includes a few pointers on how not to end one.
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Preparing to Write the Research Paper
This lesson introduces learners to research materials in the library and electronic materials available through the Alabama Virtual Library(AVL). The instruction emphasizes "how-to-use" multi-volume encyclopedias, multi-volume reference...
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Independent Research Project
Students will use the Internet to gather key facts using a variety of online resources and present their findings in a word processed paper in APA style.