Grammarly Handbook: Transitions and Transitional Devices
This Grammarly Handbook resource provides information about how to use transition words and transitional devices to connect sentences, paragraphs, and sections in an essay.
Troubleshooting Sentences
This site presents in chart form a list of common sentence problems with possible solutions offered. A couple additional links are provided for further information.
Sjrc Writing Center: Parallel Structure Lesson
This site explains the topic of parallel structure. Numerous examples of sentences with parallel structure are provided.
Grammarly Handbook: Untangle Grammatical Structures
This page explains the need to revise sentences with unclear or mixed constructions and provides examples.
University of Richmond
University of Richmond: Using Transitions
A discussion of how to use transitions for effective writing. W.9-10.2c cohesion/clarity/trans, W.11-12.1c Transitions/Cohesion, W.11-12.2c Transition/Cohesion CCSS.ELA-Literacy.WHST.6-8.2.c
Online Writing Lab at Purdue University
Purdue University Owl: Writing Transitions
Discusses how to transition effectively between paragraphs. Includes examples and how they can be revised to connect the ideas better. The second page of the resource has lists of transitional words and phrases categorized by how they...
E Reading Worksheets
E Reading Worksheets: Patterns of Organization: Problem and Solution
This learning module provides an explanation of the problem and solution text structure. An explanaton of the problem and solution text structure is provided, and comparisons to the cause and effect text structure are demonstrated in a...
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Illustrative Transition Words: Lesson 1
This lesson goes over illustration transition words and how they are used. It is 1 of 3 in the series titled "Illustrative Transition Words." [2:20]
Grammarly Blog: How to Write Better Essays: 5 Concepts You Must Master
This blog article discusses essay writing including thesis development, strong form, style, conventions, and support and references.
Grammarly Blog: Connecting Sentences
This Grammarly Handbook resource provides ways to connect sentences using transition words and punctuation (colons and semi-colons). Includes a list of transitional words and their uses, and a discussion of how punctuation is used to...
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Paper Writing: Transitions and Topic Sentences
This tutorial focuses on transitions including transitional devices, lists of common transition words and phrases, transitions between paragraphs with examples, and separate lists of transition words for descriptive, narrative, and...
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Transition Sentences
This lesson goes over how to compose sentences that transition between paragraphs. This tutorial lesson shares a short slideshow with the lesson's content.
Capital Community College Foundation
Guide to Grammar and Writing: Parallel Form
This site from the Capital Community College defines the term and gives many examples of faulty parallelism and the corrected version of sentences. Includes links to a couple of quizzes at the bottom of the page. "Most of the...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: The Five Transition Adventure Planner
For this lesson, students will use transition words and phrases to shift from one idea to another within a story.
University of Ottawa (Canada)
University of Ottawa: Writing Paragraphs
This site from the University of Ottawa provides a wonderfully designed website that not only gives you exhaustive information on paragraph writing. Students will engage in starting with outlines, writing topic sentences, dividing their...
Indiana University
Indiana University: Writing Services: Incorporating Evidence Into Your Essay
This handout explores how to effectively incorporate evidence to support your claims into your paper. It provides weak and strong examples to show effective ways to incorporate evidence clearly and cohesively. W.9-10.1c...
Capital Community College Foundation
Guide to Grammar and Writing: Transitions Between Ideas
This tutorial teaches writing students how to share convincing in well-written sentences that are connected from one to the other--that is, they exhibit transition. W.9-10.1c cohesion/clarity/reason, W.9-10.2c cohesion/clarity/trans
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Concluding Transition Words
A screencast lesson [2 mins, 32 secs] introducing transition words used to conclude an idea and providing examples of how to use such transitions in concluding sentences. W.11-12.1c Transitions/Cohesion CCSS.ELA-Literacy.WHST.6-8.2.c
Grammarly Handbook: Main Ideas and Supporting Ideas
An explanation and examples of main ideas and supporting details.
Instruct Uwo: Module 6 Sentence Structure and Style
This site discusses several characteristics of writing: coordination, subordination, parallelism, and sentence variety. Each section includes a brief discussion with examples. There are also quizzes and additional links for each section.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Effective Introduction and Conclusion Sentence Structure Variety
Write effective introductions and conclusions with a controlling idea or thesis, using a variety of sentence patterns.
Lumen Learning
Lumen: Putting It Together: Beyond the Five Paragraph Essay
This lesson plan focuses on strategies for moving essay writing beyond the five-paragraph essay structure to one whose structure is determined by the content. W.11-12.4 Clear/Coherent Writing
Lumen Learning
Lumen: Writing Skills: Key Sentences
This lesson focuses on effective paragraph construction especially topic sentences.
Lumen Learning
Lumen: Writing Skills: Paragraph Transitions
This instructional activity focuses on transitioning between paragraphs including when to begin a new paragraph and transitions for different purposes.