Joe Landsberger
Study Guides & Strategies: Elements of a Research Paper
All the basics of writing the research paper are presented here very succinctly. Links to more in-depth looks at various steps are provided.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: The Writing Process: Generate Ideas and Questions
[Accessible by TX Educators. Free Registration/Login Required] Learn strategies to help you generate questions and ideas about a topic.
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Generate Ideas and Questions
Learn strategies to help you generate questions and ideas about a topic.
Online Writing Lab at Purdue University
Purdue University Owl: Creating Good Interview and Survey Questions
This entry focuses on writing good interview and survey questions when conducting primary research. It warns againgst questions that are bias, wordy, double-barreled, and unrelated and provides examples of each.
Lumen Learning
Lumen: Research Process: Introduction to the Research Process
This lesson focuses on the reliability of research sources including a video example. It also lists the learning objectives for researching.
Lumen Learning
Lumen: Research Process: Conclusion to Research Process
This article focuses on the real purpose of research, to learn about the subject of the investigation as much as possible and then form those theories, opinions, and arguments on the basis of this newly found knowledge and understanding...
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Independent Research Project
Students will use the Internet to gather key facts using a variety of online resources and present their findings in a word processed paper in APA style.
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Writing a Persuasive Essay
For this lesson students research opposing viewpoints on controversial issues and develop their own position papers. Though primarily for English classes, this lesson could be easily adapted for an interdisciplinary unit with social...
Career Foundry: How to Conduct User Experience Research Like a Professional
Find out about user experience research using these data collection tips.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Identify the Technique Learn More
"Identify the technique" questions will ask you to describe the reasoning of an argument - the way it uses support to justify a conclusion. These questions focus on structure, method, and technique. They're not concerned with what the...
Reading Comprehension: Question Answer Relationships
If you need help working with your students on questioning a text or if you are working on higher-level questioning skills, this is a simple and helpful site. Printable resources available from site.
Class Flow: Research Questions
[Free Registration/Login Required] This lesson explores the steps of the research process - selecting an appropriate research topic, and delving more into the topic.CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.W.8
University of Victoria (Canada)
The U Vic Writer's Guide: Writing Essays: Narrowing Your Essay Topic
What steps can you take to narrow an essay topic? Delve into this awesome site to learn how.
Cornell University
Cornell University: Library: How to Find and Develop a Viable Research Topic
This resource offers a few suggestions to get you started with the research process.
Lumen Learning
Lumen: Boundless Communications: Library Research
In this Boundless Communication PowerPoint presentation, students will learn about the organization of libraries and how to apply this knowledge to research. A guided self-check is included at the end of the PowerPoint. W.11-12.7 Research