Lesson Plan
Lumen Learning

Lumen: Critical Reading: Identifying Thesis Statements

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
This lesson focuses on identifying thesis statements including explicit and implicit thesis statements, "How to Identify the Thesis Statement" (video), topic sentences, paragraph parts graphic, and a self-check activity.
Lesson Plan
Lumen Learning

Lumen: Writing Process: Finding Evidence

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
This lesson focuses on finding evidence to support your thesis, how to incorporate your findings into your own work, and how to effectively quote, paraphrase, and summarize your information. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.W.9, W.11-12.1b...
Online Writing Lab at Purdue University

Purdue University Owl: Creating Good Interview and Survey Questions

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
This entry focuses on writing good interview and survey questions when conducting primary research. It warns againgst questions that are bias, wordy, double-barreled, and unrelated and provides examples of each.
Lesson Plan
Lumen Learning

Lumen: Academic Argument: Argumentative Thesis Statements

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
This lesson focuses on argumentative thesis statements and on recognizing an arguable thesis.
Lumen Learning

Lumen: Research Process: Conclusion to Research Process

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
This article focuses on the real purpose of research, to learn about the subject of the investigation as much as possible and then form those theories, opinions, and arguments on the basis of this newly found knowledge and understanding...
University of Sydney (Australia)

The Write Site: Structuring Your Individual Arguments

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
A diagram is provided to help students organize an argument. Assertions, sub-assertions, evidence, and counterarguments are included. Click on page 2 at the bottom to see the functions of the above and page 3 to for a practice activity....
Lesson Plan

Cpalms: Lafs.1112.rst.1.3: Follow Precisely a Complex Multistep Procedure

For Students 11th - 12th Standards
Find a collection of standards-aligned teacher and student resources where students follow procedural text.
Lesson Plan

Learning Design Collaborative: Cer: Claim, Evidence, and Reasoning

For Teachers 9th - 10th Standards
Students write a scientific claim that is backed up by evidence and supported by scientific reasoning. Base your answer on your reading of a data table.
Lesson Plan
Lumen Learning

Lumen: Critical Reading: Supporting Claims

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
This lesson focuses on supporting claims including the distinction between main ideas and supporting details, relationship between purpose and supporting details, sufficient and related support, and support and elaboration. W.9-10.1a...

Career Foundry: How to Conduct User Experience Research Like a Professional

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
Find out about user experience research using these data collection tips.

Medium: Surveys

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
User research resources for beginners and pros.

Prezi: Implicit and Explicit Questions

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
This Prezi provides Implicit and Explicit questions and practice activities.
Unit Plan
TES Global

Blendspace: Writing Thesis Statements Effectively

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
A twelve-part learning module with links to texts and websites to use while learning how to write a strong and effective thesis statement.
Sophia Learning

Sophia: Common Issues With Conclusions

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
This lesson goes over common issues in conclusions.