Class Flow: Fact Families
[Free Registration/Login Required] In this activity, students use the visual cues from a fact family triangle, manipulatives and numbers to understand and apply the concepts and procedures of mathematics including addition, subtraction,...
Class Flow: Act Out Subtraction and Addition
[Free Registration/Login Required] Use the teddy bears to act out stories while solving addition and subtraction problems.
Class Flow: Add and Subtract Picture Word Problems
[Free Registration/Login Required] Use bears to illustrate addition and subtraction problems.
Math Slice
Math Slice: Subtraction: Math Worksheets
This tool allows you to create worksheets where students solve subtraction equations at varying levels of difficulty.
Math Slice
Math Slice: Subtraction: Math Worksheets
This tool allows you to create worksheets where learners solve subtraction equations at varying levels of difficulty.
Teachnology: Addition and Subtraction Teaching Theme
Addition and Subtraction Math Theme provides an excellent collection of free sample worksheets, teacher resources, lesson plans and interactive media to support addition and subtraction skills.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Addition and Subtraction Word Problems 2
Practice solving more challenging word problems with addition and subtraction. Numbers used are 20 or less. Students receive immediate feedback and have the opportunity to try questions repeatedly, watch a video or receive hints.
Fun Brain
Fun Brain: Math Car Racing Game
Players must choose the mathematical expression with the highest value to win. Tests understanding of basic arithmetic skills involving the addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of whole numbers.
Math Aids
Math Aids: Integers Worksheets
Great resource to practice and strengthen math skills pertaining to integers. Math worksheets are printable, may be customized, and include answer keys.
Math Stories: Write a Number Sentence
At this one page site you can work through step by step a sample problem that illustrates the problem solving strategy for "Write a number sentence." The answer is right there to help you check your thinking.