Class Flow: Tangram Fun
[Free Registration/Login Required] In this flipchart students will practice geometric and spatial reasoning as they read and respond to a story about a magic window.
Class Flow: Tangrams
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart uses tangrams to teach geometric principles. There are many opportunities for students to interact and practice with tangrams.
Math Playground
Math Playground: Tangrams
Click on the tangram frame to start. Use the white tangram pieces to make the picture shown on the upper right.
Math Playground
Math Playground: Geometry Board
Create polygons by stretching bands over pegs on this geometry board. Then find the area and perimeter of the shape you created.
Class Flow: 3 D Shapes
[Free Registration/Login Required] In this flipchart, students are introduced to the following 3-D shapes, including spheres, cylinders, and rectangular prisms.
Class Flow: Geometrical Attributes
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart covers the attributes of several geometric shapes.
Class Flow: Pattern Block Template Shapes
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart provides a review of circle, rectangle, square, triangle, and hexagon and introduces trapezoid and rhombus. Students are asked to identify the number of sides and the number of corners of...
Class Flow: 3 D Shapes
[Free Registration/Login Required] In this flipchart students learn about the following shapes: cone, prism and pyramid.
Class Flow: Circles and Color
[Free Registration/Login Required] Identifying shapes and colors of various objects using the Activote student response system.
Class Flow: Classifying Shapes
[Free Registration/Login Required] With this flipchart students will learn how to classify two-dimensional shapes and discuss the attributes of polygons.
Class Flow: Making Shapes on Geoboard
[Free Registration/Login Required] Use the lines (rubber bands) to make a shape modeled by the teacher using a Geoboard.
University of Cambridge
University of Cambridge: Nrich: Wag Worms
Use this challenge to see how many unique shapes can be created using exactly 5 cubes. At this one page website you can also check your results.
University of Cambridge
University of Cambridge: Nrich: Four Triangles Puzzle
Sharpen your logic and and pattern recognition skills with this four triangles puzzle. The solution is available to check your work.
Giraffian Kid's Stuff: Shapes and Colours
Students can mix and match shapes and colors in this simple learning activity.
Math4 Children: Comparison of Shapes Quiz
Children look at a given object and compare it with the name of the shape that matches the object. Links to other quizzes and games are provided. PDF (Adobe Reader is required).
Math4 Children: Shapes and Their Names Quiz
This 8 question quiz has children look at a shape and select the correct name for it. Links to other quizzes and games are provided. PDF Reader is required.
University of Cambridge
University of Cambridge: Nrich: Seven Sticks
On this one page website sharpen your logic, triangle properties, and pattern recognition skills while working on this challenge. The solution is available to double check your solution.
Class Flow: Playing With Shapes
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart is a small lesson for 2nd grade math-geometry. Once students have been introduced to the key vocabulary terms in geometry, the teacher can reinforce those shapes, terms, and some...
SMART Technologies
Smart: Shape Attributes
The introductory pages introduce the shapes and their attributes: triangle, rectangle, square, rhombus, circle, and oval. The additional pages allow students to practice shape recognition, tracing shapes, and drawing shapes.