Unknown Type
Khan Academy

Khan Academy: Add 2 Digit Numbers by Making Tens 2

For Students 2nd Standards
Practice adding two-digit numbers by making groups of ten.
Unknown Type
Khan Academy

Khan Academy: Add 2 Digit Numbers by Making Tens

For Students 2nd Standards
Practice adding 2-digit numbers like 43+27 that have sums that are multiples of 10.
Lesson Plan
Better Lesson

Better Lesson: Moving Into Thousands

For Teachers 2nd Standards
To make sense of numbers in the thousands, 2nd grade students need practice identifying place value positions and using place value strategies in numbers to 1,000.
Lesson Plan
Better Lesson

Better Lesson: Manipulation Central

For Teachers 2nd Standards
Not everyone solves a problem in the same way. Reinforcing that different strategies can be used effectively is the goal of this lesson.
Lesson Plan
Better Lesson

Better Lesson: We Can Guess the Number

For Teachers 2nd Standards
Understanding place value is critical to the Common Core Standards for second grade. Without a concrete understanding, 2nd graders may not fully grasp the meaning of the digits.
Lesson Plan
Better Lesson

Better Lesson: Hundreds, Tens, Ones Are Coins Too

For Teachers 2nd Standards
Second graders will extend their understanding of hundreds, tens and ones using dollars, dimes and pennies as another way to express groups of 100, 10 and 1.
Lesson Plan
Better Lesson

Better Lesson: Moving Along in Hundreds

For Teachers 2nd Standards
The Common Core standard is that students understand that the numbers 100, 200, etc. represent so many groups of 100.
Lesson Plan
Better Lesson

Better Lesson: Moving Along in Tens

For Teachers 2nd Standards
Grouping by tens reinforces the understanding of place value
Lesson Plan
Better Lesson

Better Lesson: Identifying Tens and Ones

For Teachers 2nd Standards
Second graders will be given set amount of money to add, and identify how many tens and ones.
Lesson Plan
Better Lesson

Better Lesson: Making a Ten

For Teachers 2nd Standards
Making ten is one of the foundational strategies for developing flexible numerical thinking, accuracy, and efficiency.
Professional Doc
Louisiana Department of Education

Louisiana Doe: Louisiana Believes: Eureka Math Parent Guide: Place Value, Counting, and Comparison of Numbers to 1000

For Students 2nd Standards
A guide to support parents as they work with their students in place value, counting, and comparison of numbers to 1000.
Lesson Plan

Nearpod: Place Value: Fall Edition

For Teachers 1st - 2nd Standards
In this lesson, young scholars will use base ten blocks and a place value chart to show their understanding of two-digit and three-digit numbers. They will also use place value to compare numbers.
Unit Plan
E-learning for Kids

E Learning for Kids: Math: Sheep Farm: 3 Digit Numbers

For Students 2nd - 3rd Standards
Help Jack on his sheep farm and learn more about 3-digit numbers.
Lesson Plan

Nearpod: Multiplying by Nine

For Teachers 2nd - 4th Standards
In this lesson on multiplying by nine, students learn about equal groups, explore word problems, and apply their learning to a real-world scenario.
Lesson Plan

Nearpod: Multiplying by Three

For Teachers 2nd - 4th Standards
For this lesson on multiplying by three, students learn about equal groups, explore word problems, and apply their learning to a real-world scenario.
Unit Plan

Number Nut: Numbers and Counting: Greater Than 1,000

For Students 2nd - 8th Standards
Follow the steps in the examples for place value for numbers greater than 1000 and then practice the skills with the two interactive activities.
Unknown Type
Project Britain

Primary Homework Help: Doubling Numbers Up to 100

For Students Pre-K - 1st Standards
The learning activity reviews doubling up to one hundred. Students answer ten questions and can check their answers when finished.
Mr. Martini's Classroom

Mr. Martini's Classroom: Subtraction: Subtracting Ten

For Students 2nd Standards
Practice subtracting multiples of 10 from 2-digit numbers in this interactive exercise.
Unknown Type
Soft Schools

Soft Schools: Basic Multiplication Worksheets

For Students Pre-K - 1st Standards
Students work multiplication problems using pictures and repeated addition. You create the worksheet.
Unknown Type

Internet 4 Classrooms: Subtract Multiples of 10 From Multiples of 10

For Students 2nd Standards
A ten-question quiz in which students subtract 2-digit numbers where both end in zero, i.e., multiples of 10.

Class Flow: Making a Ten Adding Two Digit Numbers

For Teachers Pre-K - 1st Standards
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart introduces the concept of addition of sums of 10 or more than 10. The flipchart has examples with visuals to help students understand tens and ones. It would be useful when beginning a...
Mr. Martini's Classroom

Mr. Martini's Classroom: Big Number Flashcards: Multiplication Through 31

For Students 2nd - 5th Standards
Interactive flashcards review multiplication of whole numbers through 31. The problems change color when the correct answer is given.
Topmarks Online

Topmarks: Place Value Charts

For Students K - 1st Standards
Great resource for learning or teaching place value with different levels of difficulty which include decimals. The practice mode helps students understand how numbers are made up. Immediate feedback is given.
ICT Games

Ict Games: Shark Pool Place Value

For Students K - 1st Standards
Practice your two-digit place value skills here. Just press the "go" button and find the number on the right that is represented by the base ten blocks on the left.