Number Nut: Numbers and Counting: Greater Than 1,000
Follow the steps in the examples for place value for numbers greater than 1000 and then practice the skills with the two interactive activities.
Quia: Spanish Numbers by Ten
If you can count by tens in Spanish, then you'll enjoy this interactive number game. Put the Spanish numbers in the correct order to win the game, then check your answers.
Ab Cya: Connect the Dots 1 20
Practice counting from one to twenty using this interactive connect the dots game.
Texas Instruments
Texas Instruments: Skip Counting by 5
Students will compare counting sequences on their calculator with the patterns they generate on their own hundreds chart.
Class Flow: Nifty Numbers
[Free Registration/Login Required] To learn and explore numbers while building various skills such as number recognition, writing numbers, counting money, and using place value.
Class Flow: Number Sense
[Free Registration/Login Required] Learning math through nursery rhymes.
Class Flow: Numbers 1 10
[Free Registration/Login Required] A variety of activities having to do with the numbers 1-10.
Class Flow: Sheep Counting
[Free Registration/Login Required] Use this flipchart to review counting with the traditional method of counting sheep.
Class Flow: Skip Counting
[Free Registration/Login Required] SOL 3.9 Students will practice skip counting by 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, and 10s. Students will use Activotes to answer related Virginia released SOL questions.
Ab Cya: Counting Fish More Than, Less Than
It's time to count the fish! A colorful underwater adventure for practicing basic counting skills. Immediate feedback given to responses. There are three levels of difficulty.
Soft Schools
Soft Schools: Skip Counting Worksheets
Worksheets consisting of tables to skip count by 2, 3, 5, and 10. Learners fill in the empty boxes with the next number.
Soft Schools
Soft Schools: Find the Missing Number Game
Students enter the missing number in a consecutive sequence of three integers. Score is kept.
Class Flow: Count by 2's, 5's, and 3's
[Free Registration/Login Required] Using highlighted hundreds charts, students write in multiples of 2, 5, and 3.
Class Flow: Addition
[Free Registration/Login Required] Count, circle, and write the number of objects on each page.
Class Flow: Count a Number of Objects to 30
[Free Registration/Login Required] Count a Number of Objects to 30.
Class Flow: Count to 20
[Free Registration/Login Required] Counting to 20 and back to zero * Know the number names and recite them in order to at least 20, from and back to zero. * Count at least 20 objects. * Count forward and backward in ones.
Class Flow: Counting
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart has a series of activities that students will complete to help learn or review counting from 1-9. There is interactive counting practice, practice writing numbers, and Activote assessment.
Class Flow: Counting in Twos, Fives, and Tens
[Free Registration/Login Required] Counting in twos, fives and tens. * Describe and extend number sequences. * Count forward in twos from zero and then from one. * Count in steps of five from zero to twenty or more. * Counting,...
Class Flow: Counting Jar
[Free Registration/Login Required] Students will be able to identify how many items are represented on the screen using tools and Activote.
Class Flow: Counting Lesson
[Free Registration/Login Required] Saxon Math Lesson 51 emphasizes the number 46 using ones, tens, even, and odd numbers.
Class Flow: Counting Lesson Using Pennies and Dimes
[Free Registration/Login Required] Saxon Math Lesson 53 - writing the Number 48 counting pennies and dimes.
Class Flow: Counting Place Value Graphs
[Free Registration/Login Required] Math Activities: Counting, Place Value, Graphing
Class Flow: How Many
[Free Registration/Login Required] Students will recognize numbers and count sets of objects.
Math Is Fun
Math Is Fun: Counting: Number Names to 100
This site gives different choices about how to write numbers.