Mr. Martini's Classroom
Mr. Martini's Classroom: Kid's Big Numbers
Students practice place value of whole numbers using base ten blocks.
Mr. Martini's Classroom
Mr. Martini's Classroom: Kids' Adding Up to 8
Practice addition facts up to 8 with this interactive exercise.
Mangahigh: Number: Counting Up to 100
Idenitfy the written epxression to the numeral up to 100.
Mangahigh: Number: Putting Whole Numbers in Order Up to 1000
Determine which number is missing from the order.
Mangahigh: Number: Number Partners Up to 20
Students explore the concept of number partners by working through an online tutorial and then attempting a ten question quiz that increases in difficulty as questions are answered correctly.
Mangahigh: Number: Number Pairs Up to 100
Students explore the concept of number pairs by working through an online tutorial and then attempting a ten question quiz that increases in difficulty as questions are answered correctly.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Adding Two Digit Numbers (No Regrouping)
In this exercise, students practice adding two-digit numbers (no regrouping). Students receive immediate feedback and have the opportunity to get hints and try questions repeatedly.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Regrouping When Adding One Digit Numbers
In this exercise, students practice regrouping when adding one-digit numbers. Students receive immediate feedback and have the opportunity to get hints and try questions repeatedly.
Cool Math
Coolmath: Coolmath4kids: Subtracting Numbers Within 100
Short tutorial showing how to subtract using two-digit numbers in tens and ones columns without regrouping.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Multiply by Tens
Multiply a 1-digit number by a multiple of 10. Students receive immediate feedback and have the opportunity to try questions repeatedly, watch a video tutorial, or receive multiplication hints. CCSS.Math.Content.3.NBT.A.3 Multiply...
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Add 2 Digit Numbers by Making Tens
Students will be challenged in their skills to add 2-digit numbers by making tens
Illustrative Mathematics
Illustrative Mathematics: 3.nbt Rounding to 50 or 500
Students explore different rounding scenarios. Aligns with CCSS.Math.Content.3.NBT.A.1 Use place value understanding to round whole numbers to the nearest 10 or 100.
Illustrative Mathematics
Illustrative Mathematics: 3.nbt Rounding to the Nearest Ten and Hundred
The purpose of this task is for students to practice rounding numbers to the nearest ten, connect the rules for rounding with location on the number line, and to introduce the idea of rounding to the nearest 100. Aligns with...
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Estimate to Add and Subtract Multi Digit Whole Numbers
Use estimation to find a reasonable solution to multi-digit addition and subtraction problems. Numbers are less than or equal to 1000. Students receive immediate feedback and have the opportunity to try questions repeatedly, watch a...
Starfall: Addition Sums to 10
An engaging interactive math activity where students practice adding two sets of objects with a sum less than or equal to ten.
Topmarks Online
Topmarks: Daily 10
Daily 10 has maths questions on a range of maths concepts: addition, subtraction, ordering, partitioning, digit values, rounding, multiplication, division, doubles, halves and fractions. Great starter or plenary activity. Useful for...
Topmarks Online
Topmarks: Rocket Rounding
A multiple choice game involving rounding numbers to ten, a hundred and to a whole number. There are two options, one with a number line and the other more difficult level, without one.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Add 2 Digit Numbers by Making Tens 2
Practice adding two-digit numbers by making groups of ten.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Add 2 Digit Numbers by Making Tens
Practice adding 2-digit numbers like 43+27 that have sums that are multiples of 10.
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: Making Change Using Partners of One Hundred
Using dimes to make change is another way to work with subtracting tens within 100.
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: Subtracting With Partners of 100
When subtracting ten from a 2 digit number, 2nd graders should be able to compute the answer as fluently and comfortably as do when they add ten to a 2 digit number.
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: Mentally Speaking!
Using base ten blocks and place value, 2nd graders explore how to become more fluent in adding and subtracting two-digit numbers without regrouping.
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: Using Class Data
Second graders have greater engagement in learning when it is organized around gathering and using meaningful data.
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: Hundreds, Tens, Ones Are Coins Too
Second graders will extend their understanding of hundreds, tens and ones using dollars, dimes and pennies as another way to express groups of 100, 10 and 1.