Class Flow: Making Fair Trades
[Free Registration/Login Required] Students make fair trades using pennies and nickels or pennies and dimes. They will also review coins and their names.
Class Flow: Money
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart is to help familiarize first grade students with the penny, nickel, dime, and quarter. They will learn a poem to help remember what each coin looks like and its value. They will also work...
Class Flow: Money Coins
[Free Registration/Login Required] Identify coins by name and value (penny, nickel, dime, and quarters); Make fair trades involving combinations of pennies and nickels or pennies and dimes.
Class Flow: Money Money
[Free Registration/Login Required] This chart is designed to assess students' prior knowledge of coin recognition and then introduce a technique for adding pennies, nickels and dimes that equal 100 cents or less.
Topmarks Online
Topmarks: Coins Game
Coins game is a three activity money game which introduces children to UK coinage. It helps children with recognizing coins, sorting coins from lowest to highest, and counting money. Useful as an interactive whiteboard activity.
Gynzy: Money
In this interactive game, students add money and drag a puzzle piece to the correct answer.
Math Aids
Math Aids: Money Worksheets
Great resource to practice and strengthen math skills pertaining to money. Math worksheets are printable, may be customized, and include answer keys.