K-5 Math Teaching Resources
K 5 Math Teaching Resources: Multiply by Multiples of 10 [Pdf]
Students are given several word problems to explore multiplying by multiples of 10.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Add Using Groups of 10 and 100
Practice making groups of 10 and 100 while adding 3-digit numbers.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
Nctm: Illuminations: Times Table
This tool allows you to practice multiplying single-digit numbers.
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: The Multiplication and Division Connection
Third graders can solve multiplication and division problems quickly by recognizing the relationship between the two operations.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Place Value When Multiplying and Dividing by 10
Recognize that in a multi-digit whole number, a digit in one place represents ten times what it represents in the place to its right.
Louisiana Department of Education
Louisiana Doe: Louisiana Believes: Eureka Math Parent Guide Multip, Div With Units of 0, 1, 6 9, and Multiples of 10
A guide to support parents as they work with their students in multiplication and division with units of 0, 1, 6-9, and multiples of 10.
Louisiana Department of Education
Louisiana Doe: Louisiana Believes: Eureka Math Parent Guide: Place Value and Problem Solving With Units of Measure
A guide to support parents as they work with their students in place value and problem solving with units of measure.
Pbs: Rounding to Wholes, Tenths, and Hundredths
On some nights only certain numbers can get in to the Number Line Party, what's a decimal to do? This interactive exercise combines activities here appear in two other Number-Line Party lessons and focuses on using what you know about...
Pbs: Place Value: Musical Digits
Learn about place value and the base-10 number system. This video focuses on using what you know about place value to determine what value each of the three digits represents.
Pbs: Base 60: Babylonian Decimals
Explore a brief history of mathematics in Mesopotamia through the Babylonian Base 60 number system. This video focuses on how a base 60 system does not use fractions or repeating decimals, some of the advantages of a base 60 system, and...
E-learning for Kids
E Learning for Kids: Math: Sheep Farm: 3 Digit Numbers
Help Jack on his sheep farm and learn more about 3-digit numbers.
E-learning for Kids
E Learning for Kids: Math: Ice Cream Shop: Four Digit Numbers
On this interactive site students learn to place numbers in ascending and descending order, write 4-digit numbers in expanded notation and discuss place value.
E-learning for Kids
E Learning for Kids: Math: Inca Temple: Numbers to 9999
On this interactive website students practice various math skills using a real life scenario at the pyramids. Those skills include reading 4-digit numbers, understanding place value, and recording the place value of digits in a 4-digit...
Nearpod: Multiplying by Nine
In this instructional activity on multiplying by nine, learners learn about equal groups, explore word problems, and apply their learning to a real-world scenario.
Nearpod: Multiplying by Three
For this lesson on multiplying by three, students learn about equal groups, explore word problems, and apply their learning to a real-world scenario.
Number Nut: Numbers and Counting: Greater Than 1,000
Explains the system of place value for numbers greater than one thousand, and how to write larger numbers using words.
Number Nut: Multiplication
An introduction to the concept of multiplication, with an explanation of the different symbols used, as well as related activities.
Number Nut: Multiplication: 1 to 10
Demonstrates how to use repeated addition to multiply single-digit numbers, how to recognize number patterns that can help with understanding, as well as how to use a multiplication table for facts that need to be memorized. Includes...
Number Nut: Multiplication: Carrying
Explains how to carry when multiplying two numbers, where one number has two or more digits. Includes related activities.
Number Nut: Multiplication: Double Digit Multiplication
Explains how to multiply two two-digit numbers. Includes related activities.
Number Nut: Multiplication: Triple Digit Multiplication
Explains how to multiply two three-digit numbers. Includes related activities.
Number Nut: Multiplication: 3 Digit Numbers
Did you know that you need to add a zero at the end of a numbers when you multiply two or more times; one zero for the tens number and two zeros for the hundreds.? Review the examples and then practices your skills with the two...
Number Nut: Multiplication: Multiplication by Nines
A concentration game for practicing the nine times table, where multiplication questions must be matched with the correct products.
Number Nut: Multiplication: Multiplication by Tens
A concentration game for practicing the ten times table, where each multiplication question must be matched with its correct product.