Basket Math: Words to Digits Practice
Use this site to practice writing the digits for a number when you see it written out using words. Then check your accuracy.
Number Nut: Numbers and Counting: Comparing Numbers 1 Through 1,000
Quiz where the player looks at two numbers between one and one thousand, and must choose the correct symbol for comparing them (i.e., >, <, or =).
Number Nut: Numbers and Counting: Comparing Numbers 1 Through 10,000
Quiz where the player looks at two numbers between one and ten thousand, and must choose the correct symbol for comparing them (i.e., >, <, or =).
EL Education
El Education: 1 10 Book
This is a number book created by kindergarten students; the numbers are both numerals and words and are illustrated with the correct number of objects to represent the number. Originally, these pages were created and hung around the...
Class Flow: Counting Greater Than
[Free Registration/Login Required] The flipchart gives pupils the opportunities to compare and order numbers using the greater than, less than and equal to symbols correctly.
Math Is Fun
Math Is Fun: Comparing, Ordering Decimals
This website gives a simple, easy strategy for how to compare decimals when they have a different number of decimal places. It provides examples in ascending and descending order and an ordering game for practice.
Purple Math
Purplemath: Place Value: Concepts
Explains and illustrates the thinking behind the concept of place value.
Fun Brain
Fun Brain: Cookie Dough (Spell the Number Game)
Players practice spelling and writing numbers from 0 to 10,000 on checks. Games test their ability to spell out number words and write out digits.
Print and Learn: Writing Numbers
This simple website has a printable page for each of the numbers one through ten. On this sheet you can practice writing the digit, the word and the word in a sentence using manuscript printing.
Number Nut: Pick a Bar: Numbers One Through 1000
For this activity, the player must read the number words up to ten thousand and click on the correct number symbol from four choices.