Ducksters: Kids Math: Finding the Volume and Surface Area of a Cone
Learn how to use the formula to solve the volume and surface area of a cone on this site.
Class Flow: Solid Geometry
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart contains notes, information, and practice finding surface area and volume of cubes and prisms.
Class Flow: Solids
[Free Registration/Login Required] In this flip chart, students apply geometric sense by using the properties of two-dimensional and three-dimensional shapes to solve mathematical problems involving area and volume.
Class Flow: Surface Area
[Free Registration/Login Required] In this lesson students learn how to find surface area of rectangular and triangular solids.
Free Math Help
Free Math Help: Classification of Polygons and Triangles
The Geometry session explores the classification of polygons and triangles. Definitions and examples are included.
Class Flow: Surface Area and Volume Test
[Free Registration/Login Required] This test may be given in classes learning about volume and surface area of rectangular prisms, cylinders, and cones.
Math Is Fun
Math Is Fun: Making 3 D Solids
This tutorial features templates and instructions to make the following solids: tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, dodecahedron, and icosahedron.
University of Cambridge
University of Cambridge: Nrich: Making Boxes
Have fun and learn by making a box and then find out its maximum volume as well as other problem-solving activities, including making a table of your results and drawing a graph.
Shmoop University
Shmoop: Basic Geometry: Volume of Pyramids & Cones
The geometry resource investigates the volume of pyramids and cones. Formulas, examples, and practice exercises are included.
Shmoop University
Shmoop: Basic Geometry: Volume of Spheres
The geometry resource investigates the volume of a sphere. Formulas, examples, and practice exercises are included.
Shmoop University
Shmoop: Basic Geometry: Surface Area
The geometry resource investigates surface area. Formulas, examples, and practice exercises are included.
Shmoop University
Shmoop: Basic Geometry: Volume of Prisms & Cylinders
The geometry resource investigates the volume of prisms and cylinders. Formulas, examples, and practice exercises are included.
Shmoop University
Shmoop: Basic Geometry: 3 D Objects (Prisms, Cylinders, Cones, Spheres)
The geometry resource investigates three-dimensional objects. Objects include prisms, cylinders, cones, and spheres. Detailed examples and practice exercises are included.
Ducksters: Kids Math: Finding the Volume and Surface Area of a Sphere
Kids learn how to find the volume and surface area of a sphere. Formulas used for this shape. Example math problems.
Ducksters: Kids Math: Finding the Volume and Surface Area of a Cylinder
Explains how to calculate the volume and surface area of a cylinder using the standard formulas. Includes example problems.