University of Cambridge
University of Cambridge: Maths and Sports: Speed and Accuracy
This activity investigates the importance of accurate measurement in competitive sport, looking at examples from athletics and swimming. It is aimed at secondary maths students (grades 8, 9, and 10).
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Algebra: Problem Solving Models
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] Learn how to solve problems using a step-by-step strategy.
Bb Ci: Review Significant Digits
BBCi presents a test prep review ("revision") section on significant digits and on approximating an answer by rounding in order to work with an easy number. Click on "Test Bite," on the last page to get an interactive quiz.
Cpalms: Size It Up
[Free Registration/Login Required] This is a formative assessment task where students are asked to use geometric solids to model each of four tent shapes on a instructional activity and use mathematical language to describe them. Samples...
Frieze Patterns: Mathematics and the Liberal Arts
Provides a listing of books that are useful in research on this topic.
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Measurement Mania
In this lesson students will review the English and metric measurement systems and compute how much paint and carpet would be needed to redecorate their classroom.
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Napier's Bones a Useful Calculation Tool
This lesson deals with John Napier's historical contributions to the field of mathematics. Focus is given to Napier's Bones or Rods. Students will create a set or will use an online interactive set to perform calculations involving...
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Interpret Expressions That Represent a Quantity in Terms
Interpret expressions that represent a quantity in terms of its context.
Cool Math
Coolmath: Math Dictionary
This CoolMath resource provides a dictionary of mathematical terms.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Basic Normal Calculations
Many measurements fit a special distribution called the normal distribution.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
Nctm: Illuminations: Algebra Tiles
Use tiles to represent variables and constants to solve algebra problems. Solve equations, substitute in variable expressions, and expand and factor.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Periodicity of Algebraic Models
Given the graph that models a real world context, answer a question about the periodicity of the graph.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Graph Interpretation Word Problems
Match features of graphs of modeling functions to their real-world meaning.
Cuemath: Introduction to Surface Area
A comprehensive guide for learning all about surface area with definitions, why it is important to know, solved examples, and practice questions.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: End Behavior of Algebraic Models
Given the graph that models a real world context, answer a question about the end behavior of the graph.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Evaluate Function Expressions
Evaluate expressions that contain function notation, given the functions' graphs.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Function Notation Word Problems
Interpret expressions with function notation in terms of the context that the function models.
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Algebra Ii: 1.14 Polynomial Models
Learning to express real-life situations as mathematical functions (models) allows seemingly complex ideas and actions to be broken down into smaller, simpler parts and analyzed. In this section are three types of of those models:...
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Functions in Asymptotic Notation
A discussion of asymptotic notation in relation to the rate of growth of an algorithm's running time.
Pbs Learning Media: Everyday Algebra Plus: Targeted Math Instruction
Algebra lesson focuses on using patterns and relationships to write equations with two variables to represent relationships and patterns in real-world problems, plotting ordered pairs on a coordinate grid, and interpreting the meaning of...
Pbs Learning Media: Formulas: Targeted Math Instruction
At the end of this lesson plan about formulas, students will be able to identify and apply the correct formula for a given situation, solve for any unknown component of the formulas for perimeter, circumference, and area of regular and...
Cuemath: Sets
A comprehensive guide for learning all about sets with definitions, solved examples, and practice questions.