Illustrative Mathematics
Illustrative Mathematics: A ced.a.4: Equations and Formulas
In this exercise, students will use inverse operations to solve the equations for the unknown variable, or for the designated variable if there is more than one. Aligns with A-CED.A.4.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Equations & Inequalities Word Problems
HSA-CED.A.1: Interactive resource which create equations and inequalities in one variable and use them to solve problems. Include equations arising from linear and quadratic functions, and simple rational and exponential functions....
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Algebra Ii: Manipulate Formulas
Manipulate multi-variable formulas to isolate specific variables in order to solve some word problems. Students receive immediate feedback and have the opportunity to try questions repeatedly, watch a video, or receive hints.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Equations and Inequalities Word Problems
Construct an equation or an inequality that models a given context. Modeling expressions can be quadratic, rational, or exponential. Students receive immediate feedback and have the opportunity to try questions repeatedly, watch a video,...
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Algebra I: Solutions to 2 Variable Equations
Determine which ordered pairs are solutions to equations. Students receive immediate feedback and have the opportunity to try questions repeatedly, watch a video, or receive hints.
Cool Math
Coolmath: Solving Inequalities What Your Answers Will Look Like (Intervals)
Reference material and practice problems graphing inequalities.
Cool Math
Coolmath: Solving Equations What to Do Messier Equations
This CoolMath resource shares how to solve equations that involve multiple steps.
Cool Math
Coolmath: Systems of Equations Solving by Graphing
Reference material and practice problems solving a system of equations by graphing.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Manipulate Formulas
Solve multi-variable formulas for a specific variable in order to solve some word problems.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Two Variable Inequalities From Their Graphs
Fit an algebraic two-variable inequality to its appropriate graph.
Cool Math
Coolmath: Solving Equations What to Do Putting Parts 1 & 2 Together
This learning resource provides examples and explanations for solving equations.
Cool Math
Coolmath: Solving Equations What to Do Part 2
This learning resource provides examples and explanations for solving equations.
Cool Math
Coolmath: Solving Equations What to Do Part 1
This pre-algebra resource provides examples and explanations of how to solve equations.
Nearpod: Literal Equations
In this lesson on literal equations, students will learn how to solve equations where the coefficients are variables.
Wolfram Research
Wolfram Math World: Algebra
MathWorld provides a basic overview of Algebra. Includes a few formulas and many links to related topics.
Math Medics
S.o.s. Math: The Quartic Formula
This lesson provides information on the quartic formula. Examples are provided with answers.
Ministry of Education and Universities of the Region of Murcia (Spain)
Ministerio De Educacion Y Ciencia: Ecuaciones Y Sistemas De Ecuaciones
In Spanish. Practice how to solve system of equations graphically with this interactive activity.
Interactive Algebra: Solving Equations
This interactive page allows you to practice solving algebraic equations and then reveal the solution to check your understanding of the concept. Problems are randomly generated, so do as many as you like.
Instituto Latinoamericano de la Comunicacion Educativa
Red Escolar: Crucigrama Algebraico
In Spanish. Solve a puzzle by solving 17 algebraic equations, learn some magic with algebra and also learn about the history of algebra.
Class Flow: Number Square Algebra
[Free Registration/Login Required] In this flipchart, students interact with whole numbers arranged in a square to apply their arithmetic skills of multiplication, addition and subtraction.
Class Flow: Solving One Step Equations
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart provides algebra notes, examples, and practice problems.
Class Flow: Transforming Formulas
[Free Registration/Login Required] The objectives of this flipchart are to show students how to use formulas to solve real-world problems and how to solve a literal equation for one of its variables.
Wyzant: Basics of an Algebra Equation
This site provides a diagram of a basic equation, followed by a full explanation.
Teaching Treasures Publications
Teaching Treasures: Year Eight Nine Math (Page 3)
This interactive worksheet focuses on math concepts such as algebra, measurement, geometry, problem solving, and number sense. Answers to questions are available immediately and can be printed. Help links are also available to learners...