Ojk's Precalculus Study Page: Exponential Functions
An introduction to exponential functions, concentrating on models of exponential growth and decay.
Wolfram Research
Wolfram Math World: Inverse Hyperbolic Functions
This site defines the six fundamental hyperbolic fucntions and contains related links. Also provides graphs and pictures for further understanding.
University of Illinois
University of Illinois Urbana Champaign: Chickscope Egg Math: Embryo Calculus
This interesting and interactive site offers information and activities on exponential functions, tangents and slopes, and "The number e."
Richland Community College
Richland Community College: Exponential Functions and Their Graphs
The site explains exponential functions and characteristics of their graphs.
Texas Instruments
Texas Instruments: Exponential Equations
After students have learned about basic exponential functions, this activity can be used to test understand of transformations of exponential equations.
Texas Instruments
Texas Instruments: Wrapping It All Up
Students recognize the effects of changes in parameters on the graphs of linear, quadratic, and exponential functions.
Texas Instruments
Texas Instruments: Linear and Quadratic Approximations
In this activity, students explore the linear and quadratic approximations of a logarithmic function and find properties the functions have in common.
Math Medics
S.o.s. Math: Hyperbolic Functions
This math lesson gives formulas for the hyperbolic trigonometric functions, a very most important property of their version of the Pythagorean Theorem, and it's verification, and many helpful visual aides.
Ministry of Education and Universities of the Region of Murcia (Spain)
Ministerio De Educacion Y Ciencia: Funcion Exponencial
In Spanish. This interactive unit covers the definition and basic properties and graphs of exponential functions.
Ministry of Education and Universities of the Region of Murcia (Spain)
Ministerio De Educacion Y Ciencia: Exponenciales Y Logaritmicas
In this activity you will learn how to differentiate and solve logarithmic equations and observe the relationship between logarithmic and exponential equations.
Ministry of Education and Universities of the Region of Murcia (Spain)
Ministerio De Educacion Y Ciencia: Estudio Del Crecimiento De Una Funcion
Learn with these interactive exercises the concepts of growth and decay of a function and analyze the concepts with elementary functions.
Purple Math
Purplemath: Graphing Exponential Functions: Intro
An in-depth lesson which teaches you how to graph exponential equations. Examples are worked through step by step and explained in detail for different exponential equations.
Engineering Mathematics: Properties of Exponential Function
This site has lists of the properties of Exponential Functions.
University of Saskatchewan (Canada)
University of Saskatchewan: Advanced Problems on Exponents
Site provides five sets of advanced exponential function problems, along with hints and solutions to the problems. A good challenge at the advanced level for students.
Distance Math: Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
This site has explanations of the Exponential and Logarithmic Functions. The site has several examples
Anne Arundel Community College
Anne Arundel Community College: Math 131: More Graphs
The tutorial examines exponential graphs and their properties. Students learn about the mathematics concepts through examples with detailed solutions.
Efunda: Trigonometric Functions
Site reviews trigonometric functions and inverse trigonometric functions. Formulas and graphs for both groups of functions are also shared.
Math Planet
Math Planet: Algebra 2: Exponential Functions
Provides an explanation, examples, and a video lesson all related to exponential functions.
McGraw Hill
Glencoe Mathematics: Online Study Tool: Quiz on Exponential Functions
The online assessment demonstrates understanding of advanced mathematical concepts in Pre-Calculus. The questions assess students on exponential functions.
Paul Dawkins
Paul's Online Notes: Calculus I: Review
Learners review the algebra and trigonometric skills needed in a Calculus course. Topics investigated are solving trigonometric equations, logarithmic functions, exponential functions, functions, and common graphs. Class notes,...
University College London
University College London: Hyperbolic and Trigonometric Functions
This site has information relating the hyperbolic and trigonometric functions.
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Analysis: Basic Exponential Functions
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] Evaluating and solving basic exponential functions, introduction to ''e''.
Analyze Math
Analyze Math: Convert Logarithms and Exponentials
The tutorial examines logarithmic functions and exponential functions. The activity consists of examples with detailed solutions.
Analyze Math
Analyze Math: Exponential Functions (1)
The tutorial explores the properties of exponential functions. The activity includes examples with detailed solutions.