Edwin's Animated Images: Hyperbola
This site gives the focus/directrix definition of a conic. Also includes specific definition for the parabola, ellipse, and hyperbola. Includes equations for the conics in both rectangular and polar coordinates.
Edwin's Animated Images: Hyperbola
This animated tutorial gives the focus/directrix definition of a conic. Also includes specific definition for the parabola, ellipse, and hyperbola. Includes equations for the conics in both rectangular and polar coordinates.
California State University
Cal State, San Bernadino: Hyperbolas
An excellent site describing the equations for hyperbolas, including graphs of hyperbolic functions and multiple exercises for practice.
Wolfram Research
Wolfram Math World: Parabola
This is an excellent site on parabolas. Examples and formulas are given.
Varsity Tutors
Varsity Tutors: Hotmath: Practice Problems: Conic Sections
Hotmath provides 26 practice problems relating to conic sections. Each of the practice problems include a step-by-step guide for solving their conic.
Purple Math
Purplemath: Conics: Hyperbolas
A three-part tutorial that discusses the basic terms, definitions, and formulas related to hyperbolas.
Wolfram Research
Wolfram Math World: The Ellipse
This site explain ellipse how they are formed with the foci, and gives a nice moving demonstration of drawing an ellipse. Read further down the page to equations of ellipses in different systems, including polar. The last half of the...
University of Georgia
University of Georgia: Hyperbolas
A four-lesson tutorial on hyperbolas, the standard form for hyperbolic functions, and how to graph them. Includes a lesson quiz.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
The Math Forum: Ask Dr. Math: First Principle Hyperbolas
Dr. Math, in a reply to a student question, shows how to solve for the standard equation of a hyperbola.
Wolfram Research
Wolfram Math World: Rectangular Hyperbola
With this math site you will find the distinguishing characteristics of a rectangular hyperbola and other frequently used terms when referring to this special hyperbola. This site also gives formulas, pictures, and links.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
The Math Forum: Ask Dr. Math: Uses of Conics
Wondering who uses conics and where they occur in our lives? Dr. Math provides some answers to how math concepts involving conic sections, perabolas, hyperbolas, and ellipses are applied practically.
Texas Instruments
Texas Instruments: Conics in Standard and Parametric Form
This is a second learn check to use after completing the intro to changing from rectangular form to parametric form of the equations of conics.
Texas Instruments
Texas Instruments: Conics & Parametrics 1
This activity is a LearningCheck to quickly assess students' ability to identify conics from their equations in both rectangular and parametric form.
Texas Instruments
Texas Instruments: Conic Sections
These questions ask students to write the equations of conic sections given a variety of information. Students are also asked to find the foci of an ellipse and the asymptotes of a hyperbola. Solutions and explanations are included.
Texas Instruments
Texas Instruments: Conic Equations
This Learn Check file is a review of writing conic sections given the graph of a conic section. Students are asked to use the graphs to write the equations for a ellipse, circle, parabola, and hyperbola.
University of Michigan
Virtual Conics
You may have to download first, but the two VRML icons near the bottom of the page allow you to observe the plane intersecting the cone to form the conic. Controls are present to change the angle of the plane and your view of the...
Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College
Serc: Conics and Reflection
Students investigate the reflective properties of the parabola, the ellipse, and the hyperbola. They will look at applications that relate to both the collection of incoming signals and signals that are emitted from a source and...
Ministry of Education and Universities of the Region of Murcia (Spain)
Ministerio De Educacion Y Ciencia: Conicas
In Spanish. Learn more about the ellipse, hyperbola and the parabola with these interactive activities.
Ministry of Education and Universities of the Region of Murcia (Spain)
Ministerio De Educacion Y Ciencia: Las Conicas
In Spanish. Learn how to distinguish and draw each of the conic sections with these activities.
Ministry of Education and Universities of the Region of Murcia (Spain)
Ministerio De Educacion Y Ciencia: Las Conicas
In Spanish. Learn about each of the conic sections with these interactive activities.
Ministry of Education and Universities of the Region of Murcia (Spain)
Ministerio De Educacion Y Ciencia: Construccion Geometrica De Las Curvas Conicas
Learn to construct conic curves with these interactive activities.
Ministry of Education and Universities of the Region of Murcia (Spain)
Ministerio De Educacion Y Ciencia: Conicas
Learn about the different conic sessions and try the different interactive exercises.
Ministry of Education and Universities of the Region of Murcia (Spain)
Ministerio De Educacion Y Ciencia: Conicas: Esferas De Dandelin
Conics are planar curves obtained by intersecting a cone with a plane. In this unit you will be able to visually interactively the different conic sections.
The Ellipse
Good site about the ellipse. The site is very comprehensive and detailed in its explanations