McREL International
Mc Rel: Whelmer #64 Learning Activity: Liquid Rainbow
An easy to do activity that investigates density and solubility. The activity is presented in lesson plan format that meets NSES standards.
McREL International
Mc Rel: Whelmer #33 Learning Activity: Density Balloon
A simple activity that investigates the effect of heat on the volume of a gas. The activity is presented in lesson plan format that meets NSES standards.
Center for Innovation in Engineering and Science Education, Stevens Institute of Technology
Stevens Institute of Technology: Buoyancy Simulation
By choosing the mass, size, and time, students can experiment with whether the block floats or sinks in this simulation. Students have the option to display the forces and add a second block to the tank. Density is also shown to allow...
Chiral Publishing
Chiral Publishing: An Introduction to Chemistry: Density and Density Calculations: Audio Book
This audio book, narrated by author Mark Bishop, describes how to calculate density. The equation is given. Also find links to animations and tutorials for other sections of the online textbook, "An Introduction to Chemistry".
University of Oregon
The University of Oregon: Specific Gravity
Specific gravity and density are defined and explained.
University of Chicago
Center for Astrophysical Research in Antarctica: Don't Be Too Flaky
After reading some facts about the properties of water, students conduct experiments to measure the relative densities of water, ice and snow and submit the results to the website.
Hunkins Experiments
Hunkin's Experiments: See if a Ring Is Pure Gold
Hunkin's Experiments is a group of simple cartoon illustrations of scientific principles. Some would work well in the classroom, but others have little value beyond entertaining students. All of the projects are easy to do. This one...
Science Museum of Minnesota
Science Museum of Minnesota: Thinking Fountain: Density
An introduction to density, mass, and volume with links to related books and activities.
Science and Mathematics Initiative for Learning Enhancement (SMILE)
Smile: Comparing Liquid Density
Because different liquids have different properties, density also differs. In this lesson from the Illinois Institute of Technology, students will calculate densities of water, dish-washing detergent, cooking oil, and other liquids.
Science and Mathematics Initiative for Learning Enhancement (SMILE)
Smile: Comparing Densities of Different Liquids
This lab experiment has students observe and compare the density of five different liquids while measuring mass and volume.
Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College
Serc: Mn Step: Sink or Float? Inquiry Investigation
For this activity, students make predictions about whether different objects float or sink, then test them. They are asked to record their observations and results for each, and compare their results to others'.
Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College
Serc: Mn Step: Who Is on Top?
Students investigate density in this activity when they try to find out if oil or water has a higher density.
Simon Fraser University
Chem1 Virtual Textbook: How Thermal Energy Is Stored in Molecules
With an overview of topics related to chemical energetics, this site provides a foundation to a study of thermodynamics and thermal energy. Other topics covered include kinetic energy, translation, rotation, vibrations, density, and more.
University of Hawai'i
The Hawai`i Space Grant Consortium: Viscosity Lab
This is a high school level laboratory exercise demonstrating the properties of viscosity. Standard classroom science are required to do this lab.
Michigan Reach Out
Reach Out Michigan: Are All Liquids the Same
This experiment demonstrates the density of selected liquids.
Wikipedia: Volumetric Heat Capacity
Wikipedia offers a brief definition of the term, "Volumetric heat capacity." Includes hyperlinked terms.
My Science Site
Thinking Fountain: Liquid Layers [Pdf]
Students contrast the densities of oil and water in this lab activity. Can be done in groups or individually. This resource is in PDF form; requires Adobe Reader.
My Science Site
Middle School Science: Matter Puzzle [Pdf]
This resource presents a math game. A great way for students to reinforce their knowledge and understanding of the topic of matter. This resource is in PDF form; requires Adobe Reader.
Pbs Teachers: Water Density
Demonstrate the effect that dissolving different amounts of salt in water has on the density of the liquid.
Pbs Teachers: What's More Dense
Compare the density of water, corn oil and corn syrup by trying to float different items in each material and then putting all three liquids into one container.
Pbs Teachers: Hot Air Balloon Experiment
Explore how heat affects the density of air by building and flying a hot air balloon using large plastic bags and the hot air from an electric hairdryer.
The Science House: Daffy Densities
In this lab experiment, students will use 4 solids and 6 liquids to create colorful, layered rows demonstrating that less dense materials will float on top of the more dense materials.
The Science House: Red, White, and Blue Ii
This colorful demonstration illustrates the rule, "likes dissolve likes," by combining three, immiscible liquids to create a density column." Teacher notes provide background information.