Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mit: Invention of the Week: Dean Kamen: Portable Medication Technology
Here is information on Dean Kamen's education, career, and his contributions to the medical world. Learn about his "revolutionary, pocket-sized infusion pump [that] allowed patients to reeceive regulated intravenous medication."
Web Health Centre: Diet and Diseases
Learn to "watch your plate" to prevent complications associated with diseases and disorders, such as diabetes, obesity, and ulcers. This is a good resource for those with medical problems and those who are healthy and just want general...
Concord Consortium
Concord Consortium: Gene Environment Interaction: Food and Sand Rat Health
Students explore the effect of both genes and environment on the health of sand rats, a model for studying diabetes in humans.
Cherokee Messenger: Native American Herbal Remedies
Traditional Native American herbal remedies for dozens of maladies are listed here.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy, Pain, and Acupuncture
Practice for the MCAT by answering these questions based on the given table showing results from two control groups.
Pbs Learning Media: Sounding an Alarm on a Growing Epidemic: Blood Sugar Rising
In this short interactive lesson, students learn about the severity and prevalence of diabetes, particularly for people of color.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Cellular Effects of Metformin, a Drug for Diabetes Mellitus
This study resource from Khan Academy provides practice questions for the MCAT. "Cellular effects of metformin, a drug for diabetes mellitus" questions are provided on this resource. Cellular Effects of Metformin, a drug for Diabetes...
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Life Science: 11.59 Noninfectious Diseases
Explore some non-infectious diseases and how to prevent them.
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Life Science: 11.57 Diabetes
Learn the symptoms and complications of diabetes.
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Life Science: 11.30 Cardiovascular Health
Learn about some health problems related to a person's cardiovascular health.
Aetna Intelihealth
Aetna: Inteli Health: What Is Type 2 Diabetes?
A brief article that explains how type 2 diabetes develops in the body.
Aetna Intelihealth
Aetna: Inteli Health: Symptoms and Dangers of High Blood Sugar
Intellihealth looks at what happens in the body of someone with Type II Diabetes when blood sugar levels are elevated.
Aetna Intelihealth
Aetna: Inteli Health: Problems That Diabetes Type 2 Can Cause
Divides complications into two groups--damage to arteries and damage to nerves.
University of California
University of California: Sir Frederick Grant Banting
This site from the University of California provides a bulleted list biography of his life. This site does not go into detail about the discovery of extracting insulin, but provides some basic information.
University of Wisconsin
The Why Files: Dealing With Diabetes
The Why? Files article provides information about diabetes and what it does to the body as well as highlights some scientific strides that have been made to find a cure.
Med Help: All Ask a Doctor Forums and Medical Communities
The Med Help Support Communities provides questions and answers about most medical conditions as well as allowing you to type in a question and get a reply from a doctor.
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Biology: Excretory System Diseases
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] Covers some common kidney diseases and dialysis.
American Association for Clinical Chemistry
Lab Tests Online: Diabetes
This effective site explains what diabetes is and provides links to the three types of diabetes, signs and symptoms, and tests to diagnosis the illness.
On Track Diabetes: Breakfast Ideas for Kids With Diabetes
Learn why breakfast is such an important meal for kids, especially kids who have diabetes. This website provides numerous examples of food ideas for all kids (and parents) looking for protein-packed breakfast foods.
American Academy of Family Physicians
Family Diabetes and Nutrition
In question / answer format, this article is a simple guide to the diabetic diet. Here, read an "exchange list" that will help a person "plan healthy meals and snacks." This is a good site to get an overview of information on the subject.
American Academy of Family Physicians
Family Overview of Diabetes Insipidus
This article from provides a brief overview of Diabetes Insipidus. The topics that are covered in this article include: what causes diabetes insipidus, how do you test for diabetes insipidus, and how is diabetes insipidus treated.
National Inventors Hall of Fame
National Inventors Hall of Fame: Frederick Banting: Isolated, Purified Insulin
Read about Frederick Banting and the work he did to help diabetics maintain their insulin levels. This site includes biographical informatin and links to pages on inventors Charles Best and James Collip.
National Inventors Hall of Fame
National Inventors Hall of Fame: James Collip: Isolated, Purified Insulin
Learn about one of the scientists responsible for inventing insulin for use by diabetics. Read a brief biography on James Collip, and follow links to inventors who worked with Collip, Charles Best and Frederick Banting.