Pbs: Everyday Ways to Teach Children Respect
It can be difficult to teach children how to be tolerant of those who appear different. This article discusses this issue, and presents television programming and books that are conducive to respecting those with differences.
Peace Corps
Peace Corps: Culture Matters Workbook
In-depth and thoughtful look at culture and the role it plays in our lives. Site includes lessons and handouts, articles about how non-Americans view Americans, what it's like to be from a different culture, the roots of American culture...
Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College
Serc: Investigating Biodiversity in Your Schoolyard
In this field lab, students will investigate the biodiversity around their school and record and document the information they find. The students will compare their information to those of their classmates, develop multiple hypotheses...
Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College
Serc: Simpson's Reciprocal Index: Identify and Compare Habitat Biodiversity
In this biology field lab, students will collect insects from two different habitats and use them to quantify the biodiversity of each habitat.
Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College
Serc: Using Plant Surveys to Study Biodiversity
An extended field investigation intended as launch into several concepts in environmental science including biodiversity, human impacts on natural systems, and energy transfer in ecosystems.
Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College
Serc: Intimate Strangers: Unseen Life on Earth
This PBS documentary provides an overview of the microbial world and offers an exciting glimpse into the field of microbiology. Meet scientists from around the world investigating the microbial world in diverse locations, from a...
Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College
Serc: Microbial Communities
This 1986 journal article reports that most microbial communities have escaped description. Article covers communities and ecosystems, microbial communities in termite intestines, microbial mats in evaporite flats, and microbial...
Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College
Serc: Life in Extreme Environments: Who Is on Top in the Food Chain?
In this lesson, students will design experiments to gain some understanding of the feeding rates of Rotifers and/or Tardigrades. They will use organisms collected locally or provided by the teacher to explore differences between their...
Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College
Serc: How Biodiverse Is Lake Superior? An Exercise in Proportions
An exercise in critical thinking, as well as practice in percents, proportions, and probabilities. Students research to gather information, then use their math skills to perform calculations on the data.
Sheppard Software
Sheppard Software: Flashlight Fish
This site gives an in-depth description of a flashlight fish, including its behavior, appearance, reproduction, and classification. The site includes photos and illustrations and an interactive quiz to test your understanding.
Cnn: White House Opposes "Flawed" Affirmative Action
This site describes the George W. Bush administration's decision to challenge the affirmative action policies in the University of Michigan's admission processes. Gives reactions from various civic leaders.
Cnn: Narrow Use of Affirmative Action Preserved
CNN reports on the Supreme Court decision that allows race to be a factor for universities shaping their admissions programs, saying a broad social value may be gained from diversity in the classroom.
Estrella Mountain Community College
Online Biology Book: Biological Diversity: Fungi
Find out about the kingdom of fungi. See full-color diagrams and microscopic photographs as you learn about the classification of this group of organisms.
Estrella Mountain Community College
Online Biology Book: Biological Diversity: Classification
Explore the classification of living things in this online, college-level textbook. Learn about taxonomy and its history through diagrams and descriptive information.
Cynthia J. O'Hora
Mrs. O's House: Government and the Issues Surrounding Diversity
Through a variety of resources provided, students delve into the concept of diversity in the state, community and school.
TED Talks
Ted: Ted Ed: Why Are There So Many Types of Apples?
Have you ever walked into a grocery store and wondered where all the varieties of apples came from? Theresa Doud describes the ins and outs of breeding apples. [4:28]
Open Curriculum
Open Curriculum: Multicellular Life
To describe the diversity of unicellular organisms which arose over 2 billion years of evolution.
Palomar Community College District
Palomar College: Diversity of Flowering Plants
The pictures in this essay from Palomar College are wonderful. The huge variety of flowering plants including some of the more unusual groups, is discussed at an advanced level.
The Dream Flag Project
This creative and collaborative project is centered around the poetry of Langston Hughes, and incorporates art, multi-cultural ideas, and student performance. The site is full of examples, information, lessons and explanation.
Multicultural Pavilion: A Diversity Newsletter
This is a great newsletter/e-zine with information, articles, links, and much more.
Brown University
Brown University: Teaching Diverse Learners
Resource is dedicated to enhancing the capacity of teachers to work effectively and equitably with English language learners (ELL). This Web site provides access to publications, educational materials, and the work of experts in the field.
Everything ESL
Everything Esl: Twenty New Cultural Questions
These are different scenarios that teachers might have to confront with their ESL students. Help the professionals at your school understand the diverse cultures of your students. It offers downloads and resources. Great for staff...
Everything ESL
Everything Esl: Twenty New Cultural Questions
These are different scenarios that teachers might have to confront with their ESL students. Help the professionals at your school understand the diverse cultures of your students. It offers downloads and resources. Great for staff...
Everything ESL
Back to School Esl Ideas
Provide the English learners in your class with the opportunity to develop pride in their heritage. Help strengthen the positive self-esteem of your students. It provides downloads.