Noyce Foundation
Percent Cards
Explore different representations of numbers. Scholars convert between fractions, decimals, and percents, and then use these conversions to plot the values on a horizontal number line.
Utah Education Network (UEN)
Probability, Percent, Rational Number Equivalence
Start seventh grade with a bang with the first chapter of an eight-part seventh-grade workbook series that asks learners to work through problems involving simple probability, percents, and rational number equivalence.
Willow Tree
We see percents everywhere! Building a solid understanding of their meaning is important to future mathematics, but also as citizens. Young scholars practice rewriting decimals, percents, and fractions. They also determine percents of a...
Mathed Up!
Fractions, Decimals, and Percentages
After watching a video on making conversions, young mathematicians solve 16 math problems that involve making conversions of fractions to decimals and percents, decimals to fractions and percents, and percents to fractions and...
Math Worksheets Land
Conversion Between Decimals, Fractions, Percentages - Independent Practice Worksheet
Practice converting with a decimals, fractions, and percents math worksheet. Learners work to complete 10 problems, each one with a different starting point to the conversion process.
Math Worksheets Land
Conversion Between Decimals, Fractions, Percentages - Matching Worksheet
Pupils stretch their conversion math muscles with a decimals, fractions, and percents worksheet. Ten problems require learners to match the given decimal, fraction, or percent to its equivalent.
Math Worksheets Land
Conversion between Decimals, Fractions, Percentages - Guided Lesson
After learning how to convert decimals to fractions and fractions to percents, young mathematicians fill in a chart in which they convert values. Learners convert 0.50 to fraction and percent, 2/8 to a decimal and percent, and 80%...
Math Worksheets Land
Conversion between Decimals, Fractions, Percentages - Step-By-Step Lesson
A helpful math worksheet, intended as a guided lesson, walks young mathematicians through the process of converting the decimal 0.75 to a fraction and percent.
Los Angeles County Office of Education
Assessment for the California Mathematics Standards Grade 5
Test young mathematicians' knowledge with an assessment aligned to California's fifth grade state standards. The exam covers a multitude of concepts including fractions and decimals, positive and negative numbers, measurement; and...
Common Core Sheets
Finding Percent of Fractions
Sixth graders read word problems that involve finding the percent of an item, given the fraction.
Math Worksheets 4 Kids
Fraction into Decimal and Percent
Practice makes perfect! Skilled mathematicians can practice their skills by converting each fraction into a decimal.
Math Worksheets 4 Kids
Fractions into Decimal and Percent
Why was the fraction skeptical about marrying the decimal? Because he would have to convert! This instructional activity provides much needed practice for young mathematicians to convert fractions into decimals and percents.
Math Worksheets 4 Kids
Fractions into Percent
You have just got to do it! Reinforce math skills with an exercise on converting fractions into percentages.
Math Worksheets 4 Kids
Percent, Fraction, and Decimal
This is a great tool for practicing/reinforcing conversion of percents, fractions, and decimals.
Central New Mexico Community College
Percent Word Problems
Take young mathematicians' understanding of percents into the real world with this series of word problems. Involving a variety of contexts from calculating scores on math tests and savings account interest, to determining sale prices...
McGraw Hill
Glencoe: Self Check Quizzes 2 Fractions and Percents
Use Glencoe's Math Course 2 randomly generated self-checking quiz to test your knowledge of writing fractions as percents and percents as fractions. Each question has a "Hint" link to help. Choose the correct answer for each problem. At...
Purple Math
Purplemath: Converting Between Decimals, Fractions, and Percents
Scroll down to just below the middle of the lesson for an in-depth lesson on converting fractions to percents. Works through numerous examples step by step and shows what happens when the "decimal expansion" doesn't end when converting.
Help Algebra
Help Percents
Converting percents to and from decimals and fractions is demonstrated in detailed examples. Once the concept is understood, you can use it to solve equations that contain percents.
AAA Math
Aaa Math: Fractions to Percents
This tutorial explains how to convert fractions to percents and features practice exercises, games, and the like.
Shodor Education Foundation
Shodor Interactivate: Lesson: Fraction Facts
The Shodor Education Foundation provides this lesson plan to introduce middle schoolers to the basics of fractions including fraction operations and converting fractions both to decimals and percents. NCTM Standards are listed for this...
Quia: Common Fraction & Equivalent Percents Matching
Do you need practice learning and remembering percents and their common fraction equivalents? Use this matching game to practice. When you finish click the start over button and an entirely new set is produced. There is a link to a list...
Quia: Common Fraction & Equivalent Percents Flash Cards
Do you need practice learning and remembering percents and their common fraction equivalents? Use this flash card game to practice. When you finish click the start over button and an entirely new set is produced. There is even a link to...
Quia:common Fraction & Equivalent Percents
Do you need practice learning and remembering percents and their common fraction equivalents? Use this concentration game to practice. When you finish click the start over button and an entirely new set is produced. There is a link to a...
Quia: Converting Percent to Fractions & Vice Versa
Use this quiz to assess your ability to convert a percent to a fraction and vice versa. There is a link with information to review this skill if you have difficulty.