Science Buddies
Science Buddies: Bridges That Can Take a Shake!
Building a bridge in San Francisco has to take into account the possibilites of earthquakes. This Science Buddies science project asks that you use different virtual bridge designs to withstand virtual earthquakes. The Science Buddies...
Science Buddies
Science Buddies: Locating the Epicenter of an Earthquake
When an earthquake happens, how are scientists able to determine the original location of the quake? In this project, you'll use archived data from a network of seismometers to find out for yourself. You'll create your own seismograms...
Science Buddies
Science Buddies: Ring of Fire 2: What Earthquakes Tell Us About Plate Tectonics
The theory of plate tectonics revolutionized geology in the 1960's. In this project you can explore the connection between plate tectonics and earthquakes by mapping historical seismic data.
Science Buddies
Science Buddies: Measuring the Earth's Core With Seismic Waves
When an earthquake occurs, seismic shock waves travel out through the earth from the source of the event. The shock waves travel through the earth (body waves), or along the Earth's surface (surface waves), and can be recorded at remote...
Science Buddies
Science Buddies: Set Your Table for a Sweet and Sticky Earthquake Shake
Earthquakes can have different affects depending on their location. This week long exercise asks you to build a model house and a special table to shake it on, and see how different soil types can amplify shaking.
Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College
Serc: Subduction Zone Earthquakes
For this lesson, students manipulate a model, consisting of templates on a piece of paper and an overlaying transparency, in order to explore the characteristics of subduction zone earthquakes. In the process, they develop an...
Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College
Serc: Discover Our Earth
Study earthquakes, volcanoes, topography, plate tectonics, and sea level change using graphs, maps, and movies. Engage in earth science knowledge discovery, critically evaluate the data and results, and reach conclusions about the earth...
University of Hawai'i
Reply to Ask an Earth Scientist
This site contains facts about the New Madrid fault and the 1811-12 earthquake in Q & A form.
Geographypods: Theme 2: Natural Environments
A rich collection of highly engaging learning modules on topics related to the natural environment. Covers four main areas - plate tectonics, forms and processes, weather and climate, and rainforest and desert. Within each of these,...
Geographypods: Hazards and Risk Management: Earthquakes
This learning module looks at earthquakes. It discusses areas of earthquake activity, how they are measured using the Richter scale, and how scientists try to predict earthquakes. Includes handouts, slideshows, activities, and videos.
Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology
Iris: Seismic Monitor
Poke around the world map to examine where there is earthquake activity.
University of Southern California
University of Southern California:tsunami Research Group
This site provides a world map of locations of past tsunamis, some video/animations of tsunamis, and a list of additional links to related topics.
eSchool Today
E School Today: Your Cool Facts and Tips on Earthquakes
Explains what earthquakes are, what causes them, the different types, tsunamis that can be caused by them, and how to prepare if living in an earthquake-prone area.
Hooper Virtual Paleontological Museum
This site provides a virtual tour to the Hooper Virtual Paleontological Museum. There are many virtual exhibits to visit through a series of links, including Mass Extinctions and Human Evolution. Very descriptive and fun tour!
Pella Museum: Paleontology and Geology of Jordan
This English language site focuses on the paleontology, geology, and the fossilized flora, and fauna Jordan. Scientific articles are interspersed with extensive photographs and descriptions of various features.
Federal Emergency Management Agency: Tremor Troop: Earthquakes [Pdf]
A 260-page unit of activities on earthquakes. Covers what they are, their cause, why and where they occur, their impact on the Earth, how they are measured, and safety and survival. Includes worksheets and has a glossary at the end.
Federal Emergency Management Agency: Earthquake Safety Activities [Pdf]
A 74-page booklet of activities that teach about earthquakes and what to expect when one strikes, what one can do to prepare for them, and ways to stay safe during an earthquake and afterwards.
Geothermal Education Office
This resource for geothermal energy education features a slide show with instructive graphics.
University of California
University of California: Understanding Earthquakes
This website is a resource for learning about earthquakes. Java animation at this site helps you visually understand the causes of earthquakes.
Digital Library for Earth System Education: Teaching Box: Earthquake Country
A suite of lessons focusing on all aspects of earthquakes. Inquiry-based exploration of earthquakes includes measuring seismic waves, predicting earthquakes, investigating magnitude and intensity, mapping fault lines, and evaluating...
US Geological Survey
Usgs: Earthquakes
The U.S. Geological Survey sponsors this site about the history of earthquakes in the United States as well as information about how earthquakes are detected and measured.
Pbs News Hour Extra: You Don't Need a Seismograph to Study Earthquakes
Three part lesson will provide students with information about earthquakes and how to predict them using various Web sites. Activities include historical background on major earthquakes, investigating mechanical waves, and simulating...
The Field Museum
Field Museum: Exhibits: Nature Unleashed: Inside Natural Disasters
Discover the true powers of Mother Nature through this vivid collection of research, which delves into the causes of natural disasters and the impacts on those affected.
Noaa: National Weather Service: Jetstream: Tsunamis
Online school for weather presents an abundance of information about tsunamis. Explore how they form, where they occur, how to prepare for one, and how to survive one. A review quiz and lesson plans are included for further enhancement...