Travel Document Systems
Tds: The Gambia: Economy
A brief discussion about Gambia's economy as well as a chart showing GDP, natural resources, trade, and percentages of economy in agriculture and industry. Information from the CIA World Fact Book.
Travel Document Systems
Tds: Seychelles: Economy
The economy of Seychelles is robust. Find out what the basis of the economy is and how the government is trying to improve it. Information is from the U.S. State Dept. Background Notes.
Class Flow: Economics Vocabulary
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart explains basic economics vocabulary such as producers, consumers, and different kinds of resources; limited, unlimited, natural and human. Student assessment items are included.
Class Flow: Italy
[Free Registration/Login Required] A flipchart questioning students on their knowledge of Italy, its landscape, major cities and economy.
Class Flow: India Population
[Free Registration/Login Required] Using India, students identify the demographic structure of a population and its effect on this country. Students analyze the geography and climate and how these factors affect and challenge the...
InterKnowledge Corp.
Inter Knowledge Corp: Exploring Botswana
InterKnowledge Corp provides a brief look at the location, climate, geography and culture of Botswana in southern Africa.
Countries of the World: Austria
Learn about the economy in Austria at this site. This page is easy to read and understand and provides good information about the structure of the Austrian market economy.
US Energy Information Administration
Afghanistan Fact Sheet
The US Energy Administration gives an overview of Afghanistan with an emphasis on energy production. Includes map of Afghanistan and statistical information.
Geography Iq: Mongolia: Relations With u.s.
This site provides the history on the relationship between the U.S. and Mongolia.
University of Nebraska Omaha
Ec Ed Web: Give and Take
A lesson plan from the University of Nebraska for Middle School students about choice, opportunity cost, and trade-offs. Indicates standards, materials, objectives and is differentiated for one grade below and above grade-level students.
A to Z Home's Cool
A to Z Home's School: Money Matters
This homeschooling resource contains useful links to lessons for children about money and economics.
Travel Document Systems
Tds: Laos: Economy
Read about the efforts Laos is making to reform and strengthen its economy. A chart is included to provide some quick facts from the CIA World Fact Book.
University of Maryland
Umd: The Imperial Era Ii the Song Dynasty
This site features a brief article about the foundation of the Song Dynasty.
SMART Technologies
Smart: Economic Review Lesson
This activity reviews goods, services, producers, and consumers. The lesson consist of sorting, fill in the blank, writing, and racing car review quiz.
Gobierno Del Estado De Queretaro
Official site of the state government of Queretaro. Includes information on the government, tourist destinations, businesses, and economy of the region.
Investopedia: The Economics of the I Phone
see how the development of Apple's iPhone has impacted the economy.
Mocomi & Anibrain Digital Technologies
Mocomi: What Is Gdp?
Learn how to find a nation's GDP and the three ways it can be measured.
Economic Statistics for Sweden
This site offers a number of vital statistics for Sweden, including population, unemployment & import/exports. Also includes links to related sites.
Camara Comercio Santiago Chile
The official site of the Santiago Chamber of Commerce contains information about the economy of Chile. The Spanish version can be found in the tabs across the top of the page.
Auburn University
Auburn University: A Glossary of Political Economy Terms: Absolute Advantage
This page defines the term absolute advantage from the Glossary of Political Economy Terms by Paul M. Johnson at Auburn University.