Pbs Learning Media: Pen Pals: Wide Angle: Time for School
Pen pals from Long Island, NY and Nairobi, Kenya exchange video messages about school, family and their hopes for the future.
Pbs Learning Media: Comparing Education Around the World
Students learn about Ken and Joab, two boys who are starting first grade. Ken attends school in Japan, while Joab lives in Kenya. Students compare and contrast the circumstances surrounding the two boys' experiences at school.
Pbs Learning Media: Youth and Education in Afghanistan: Pulitzer Center
Investigate the daily struggle faced by many Afghan students seeking an education, and the danger faced by teachers and schools working to provide these children with an experience many Americans take for granted.
Pbs Learning Media: Companion Curriculum: Girl Rising
Girl Rising tells the stories of nine girls from nine different countries and the power education has to change their lives. The accompanying curriculum provides teachers with a unique opportunity to educate learners about the issues...
Pbs Learning Media: Malala Devotes Second Life to Girls' Rights: Pbs News Hour
"Today you can see that I'm alive," said Malala Yousafzai in her first interview since surviving a Taliban attack that left her with a bullet lodged in her skull last October. "This is a second life," she continued, "And I want to serve....
Pbs Learning Media: Malala Yousafzai Champions Education: Pbs News Hour
This Daily News Story from PBS NewsHour Extra was created on October 14th, 2013 After surviving an attack on her life, Malala has recovered and has dedicated herself to the goal that every child everywhere will receive an education.
Pbs Learning Media: Girls Speak Out: Wide Angle: Lesson Plan
This lesson follows girls in India and Benin to evaluate their access to education, a basic human right.
Pbs Learning Media: Let Girls Learn: The White House
Learn more about Michelle Obama's global initiative Let Girls Learn, a government-wide effort helping to educate girls everywhere.
Pbs Learning Media: Why Is It Important to Educate Girls?: Pbs News Hour
When girls are allowed to go to school, they have a significant impact on their family and community. Students learn and think critically about the variety of reasons why it is in everyone's best interest to ensure that all girls, across...
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Investing in Human Capital
When you teach somebody, they and society both benefit from training and education. What's in it for you?
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Out of School Time Case Studies
Khan Academy can be a powerful tool for targeted remediation, tutoring, and enrichment. Learn about a wide variety of out-of-school time programs that use Khan Academy for a wide variety of reasons.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: How to Use Class Codes
Khan Academy Kids is an award-winning mobile app for students in Pre-K-2nd grade. After teachers have set up an account, students can easily join with a six-digit Class Code. Show families how to join with a downloadable PDF in English...
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: How to Set Up a Class Account
Khan Academy Kids is an award-winning mobile app for students in Pre-K-2nd grade. Download the app from the Apple iTunes, Google Play, or Amazon app store, and then follow along with this video to create your account. [1 min, 41 sec]
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Kids: Standards Alignment
Khan Academy Kids is an award-winning mobile app for students in Pre-K-2nd grade. Learn how we designed fun, educational activities that cover Common Core State Standards- all with the help of interactive technology. [4 min, 54 sec]
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Kids: What Is Khan Academy Kids?
Khan Academy Kids is an award-winning educational program for students in Pre-K-2nd grade. It is available as a mobile app and can be downloaded from the Apple iTunes, Google Play, or Amazon app store.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Remediation and Eureka Math / Engage Ny
Khan Academy has partnered with the Louisiana Department of Education to align content to the Eureka Math/EngageNY math curriculum.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Kids: How to Assign Lessons
Khan Academy Kids is an award-winning mobile app for students in Pre-K-2nd grade. Teachers can assign individualized lessons to students, or they can direct students toward their personalized learning path. [2 min, 4 sec]
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Pair Programming in the Classroom
Learn about pair programming, a practice that promotes collaboration and is increasingly popular both in the industry and in coding academies.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: On Grade Support and Eureka Math / Engage Ny
Khan Academy has partnered with the Louisiana Department of Education to align our content to the Eureka Math/EngageNY math curriculum.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Ideas for Using Khan Academy in Out of School Programs
Several ideas to get started in your thinking about implementing Khan Academy.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: What Do We Offer for Out of School Programs?
See what Khan Academy can offer including a personalized learning experience that uses videos, exercises, and articles to engage students across a wide range of subjects, with a special emphasis on math and computer programming.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Seven Tips for Making the Most Out of Khan Academy
Khan Academy students share their top tips for making the most of the resources.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Getting Started With Khan Academy
See how you can use Khan Academy to get help on homework, review concepts for a test, or learn something new.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Mastery Challenges in Course Mastery
See how Khan Academy provides opportunities for mastery learning.