Kelly's Kindergarten
The Letter C Words or Sentences
C is for cute cut-and-paste activity! Youngsters develop literacy by identifying images and words that begin with the letter "C", and then pasting their cut-outs onto a provided instructional activity and writing descriptive sentences.
Kelly's Kindergarten
Kelly's Kindergarten: F Word Sentences
F is for fantastic literacy worksheet! Young learners identify words that begin with the letter F, cut and paste pictures of those words to a worksheet, and then write sentences for each word they identify.
Kids Can Have Fun
Cut and Paste Sea Creatures
Beautiful sea creatures help teach young children about colors in a simple cut-and-paste activity. After looking at fun illustrations of fish, dolphins, crabs, and octopi, youngsters must cut out and match a series of colored...
Kids Can Have Fun
Cut and Paste Shapes
Engage youngsters in exploring the wonderful world of shapes with this series of cut-and-paste activities. Offering a variety of materials from printable pattern blocks to a series of matching exercises, this resource will have your...
Kiz Club
Log Dog
Dogs and logs don't necessarily have a lot of do with one another, except for how they are spelled! Practice with these two -og words by putting together and playing with these cards. Kids match the images and the letters to spell dog...
Kiz Club
"A" Sound
Can your pupils tell the difference between the long /a/ and short /a/ sounds? Practice with the eight words here. After determining whether the initial sounds in the words are long or short, learners cut out each image and paste it in...
Kiz Club
"S" Sound
Kids get the chance to match nine words to their images with this cut-and-paste exercise. All of the words included begin with the letter S. Kids find the correct words, cut them out, and glue them inside of the dotted lines.
Kiz Club
"K" Sound
Kids will enjoy cutting out and pasting these paper kites! They'll have to be careful though, since they are only meant to cut and paste the kites that have images on them that begin with the letter K. Some tracing practice is also...
Kiz Club
Christmas Wreath
Celebrate the holiday season with a festive cut-and-paste craft project. Class members cut out the base for this wreath and then cut out and paste holly leaves and their favorite ornaments to the base.
Kiz Club
Birthday Crown
Celebrate any birthday with this customizable crown! Kids can choose from six different crown patterns and cut out numbers, jewels, and phrases to add to their headpiece.
Kiz Club
Autumn Things Box
Celebrate changing colors and falling leaves with a fun activity. Learners cut out, fold, and glue together a little box and some autumn things to put inside of it.
Kids Can Have Fun
Cut and Paste Winter Activity
Using clues provided by the images, kids cut out, color, and paste together the bodies of children playing in the snow.
Kids Can Have Fun
Cut and Paste Family
Kids cut, color, and paste together images that represent their families.
Kids Can Have Fun
Cut and Paste Alphabet Apple Tree
Here's a cut-and-paste activity that lets kids practice both their fine motor skills as well as alphabetizing. They cut out 26 apples, write one letter on the fruit, color it, and paste their work on an apple tress.
Kids Can Have Fun
Cut and Paste Alphabet
Not only do kids get to practice alphabetizing, they also get to hone their fine motor skills with an activity that asks them to cut out squares containing a letter and an image that begins with that letter, and then to paste the...
Kids Can Have Fun
Cut and Paste Animals by Letter Sheet
A as in aardvark. P as in peacock. Kids cut out squares containing images of animals, match the initial letter of the animal's name with the appropriately labeled box on the worksheet, and then paste the image in the square.
Kids Can Have Fun
Cut and Paste Caterpillar
Little ones must first cut along doted lines of a colorful image of a caterpillar and then assemble the parts in the proper order.
Kids Can Have Fun
Old Macdonald Farm Scene
Kids get to practice cutting and pasting with this packet featuring Old MacDonald, his farm, animals, and farm equipment.
Kids Can Have Fun
Cut and Paste Farm Animals Activity
Kids cut out the heads and tails of animals, match the heads to the tails, paste the two parts together, and color these cute farm creatures.
Kids Can Have Fun
Cut and Paste Girl
Invite your pupils to play dress up while practicing some fine motor skills. Learners cut out the girl and her clothes and then past their favorite shirt, shoes, and bow onto the doll.
Kids Can Have Fun
Cut and Paste School
Perfect fine motor skills and hone shape-matching skills with a hands-on activity. Youngsters cut out each school-related image along the dotted lines and then paste the images into the correct places on the following page.
Kids Can Have Fun
Cut and Paste Alligator
Who knew an alligator could have so many different looks? For this activity, youngsters choose a set of eyes out of eight choices and cut and paste them onto an alligator. They color their creatures after the eyes have been attached.
Big Little Company
The Little Red Hen Activity Sheets
Complement your lessons on "The Little Red Hen" with this colorful collection of supplementary activities. The packet includes a maze, several word puzzles, cutting and pasting practice, and more.
Curated OER
Cutting Costs With Coupons.
Students clip coupons for food items, create a menu using those items, and add up the total savings. They correctly calculate the total amount of money that would be saved if they used the coupons.