Corrosion Source
Corrosion Source: Seaborgium
Summary of known properties and significance of this element.
Mocomi & Anibrain Digital Technologies
Mocomi: Hydrogen Fun Facts
Interesting facts and uses of hydrogen.
Mocomi & Anibrain Digital Technologies
Mocomi: Pure Substances and Mixtures
Defines matter, substances, and mixtures and gives examples.
Mocomi & Anibrain Digital Technologies
Mocomi: The Discovery of Oxygen
Brief discussion on the discovery of oxygen and how it got its name.
Nautilus: Neon Properties
A series of slides from Nautilus with good, well organized information on the properties of neon.
Curated OER
Great information about bismuth, bismuth ores and their crystals. Outstanding photos as well.
Curated OER
[Bohr Model of Scandium]
This site provides general information, information on the atomic structure, facts, and other infomration on scandium.
Curated OER
[Bohr Model of Vanadium]
Chemical Elemnts provides a good deal of infromation on the transition metal vanadium on this web site.
Curated OER
[Bohr Model of Yttrium]
Detailed information on the transition metal Yttrium is provided on this site.
Curated OER
[Bohr Model of Niobium]
This site provides many facts and statistics on the transition metal Niobium.
Curated OER
[Bohr Model of Technetium]
Detailed information on the transition Metal technetium is provided on this page.
Curated OER
[Bohr Model of Ruthenium]
This site provides detailed information as well as facts on the transition metal ruthenium.
Curated OER
[Bohr Model of Hafnium]
This site provides several facts on the transition metal hafnium.
Curated OER
[Bohr Model of Tantalum]
This site provides useful facts and various other figures on the transition metal Tantalum.
Curated OER
[Bohr Model of Osmium]
This site provides excellent information on the transition metal osmium.
Curated OER
[Bohr Model of Rutherfordium]
If you are looking for information on rutherfordium then you have to stop here.
Curated OER
[Bohr Model of Seaborgium]
This site provides a wealth of information on the transition metal seaborgium.
Curated OER
[Bohr Model of Hassium]
Detailed information on the transition metal hassium is provided on this web site.